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Amy O'Hara- Survivor: Guatemala

August 04 2015


AFSS: Today I am chatting with Survivor: Guatemala’s Amy O’Hara thanks for your time today Amy! Now, normally I like to start these interviews by asking what you’ve been up to since your time on Survivor… but I just have to get this out of the way first – Guatemala! Where is the ‘Survivor’ love for Survivor Guatemala? Why haven’t we seen any of you return yet?


Amy O'Hara: Poor Guats. When we get the love it is intense though. There are serious Guatemala fans. Quality over quantity? How is that? I'm hopeful one day someone from Guatemala will return.


Now, can you tell us what you have been up to since your time in Guatemala? 


Since Guatemala, I continue to work in Law Enforcement but now hold the rank of Lieutenant. I also had a baby in 2007. I also continue to watch Survivor every season.

Amy, you were first female sergeant in the history of the Revere Police Department - how do you think your career experience helped you in the game of Survivor?


In law enforcement you have to be able to get along and talk to all walks of life. In SURVIVOR being able to do this can be helpful whether you like them or not.


You appeared to form a bond with Gary Hogeboom, we saw you ask Gary about being an NFL football player, how did you react when Gary finally admitted to being an NFL Footballer?


In hindsight that should have been a big deal because he lied about who he was and he got caught. During the game it just wasn't an issue we pushed. 


You were a work-horse and an absolute beast at challenges, despite your issues with your ankle – what might we have seen from you if it wasn’t for your injury?


If I was not injured, I probably would have done better in some of the challenges. My tribe at the time did not think we were going to merge so keeping Bobby Jon was important to continue to win challenges. What sucked is right after I was voted out we merged. 


The Mayan ruins and temples provided a unique back-drop to the season, were the strict instructions with what you were/weren’t allowed to do at the ruins?


I think Danni was underrated. Besides many things, keeping her around was a big mistake. For instance Lydia should of been kept over Danni. You have to give it up to her she played an all around good game. 


What are your thoughts on Danni Boatwright as a Survivor: winner?


I think Danni was underrated. Besides many things, keeping her around was a big mistake. For instance Lydia should of been kept over Danni. You have to give it up to her she played an all around good game. 


Who is your pick to win the upcoming Survivor: Cambodia – Second Chance?


I don't have a pick right now to win Survivor Cambodia but I am pumped to watch it!! I usually have a pick after a couple of episodes.


Are there any other castaways that you would like to see return to Survivor for a ‘Second Chance’?


When I think of former contestants I would like to return there are many but these come to my mind quickly: Coleen and Greg from Borneo Survivor royalty. Chris Daugherty and Todd Herzog. Twila Tanner, Shambo, Coby Archer, Shane Powers, Natalie Bolten, Marty Piombo and how about someone from Guatemala peeps. Judd? hello? Jamie? hello? Brandon? hello? And some freakin’ pre jury love... Corridan? hello? and me god damn it. I said it. Everyone wants a second chance.


Before we get to our 'Quick Six', what is next for you?


Right now I continue to focus on my career and my family. 


Now, our 'Quick Six'


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


Survivor Africa


What is your least favorite season of Survivor?


Nothing comes to mind


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


Chris Daugherty


Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?


Natalie White


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


Exile Island


Finish this sentence: Going forward Survivor needs to...


...Keep it fresh!


Thank you so much for your time Amy, now in order to show Guatemala the love that it deserves I'm aiming to make my way through interviewing as many castaways as possible, who would you like to nominate for the next interview!


Brandon Bellinger!


We hope to see you on our screens again soon!

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