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Taj Johnson George

Taj Johnson-George - Survivor: Tocantins

July 27 2015


AFFS were joined by Grammy-Award nominated singer, successful author, mother and Survivor: Tocantins’ much loved castaway - Tamara"Taj" Johnson-George...


AFSS: Taj, for those who don’t know, could you please let us know what you have been up to since your time on ‘Survivor: Tocantins’?


Taj Johnson George: Sure thing! It's hard to believe that it's been 6 years since my time on Survivor. I came home in December and was back on the road touring in January (bug bites and all). Since then, my group SWV has been touring constantly both in the states and internationally, we released a new album (I Missed Us) which garnered a Grammy nomination, and have our own reality show on WeTV, SWV: Reunited. Not much.


Now, you were recruited to be on the season after a casting call looking for an “NFL wife”, can you talk us through that process?

I believe the show was looking for a pampered princess to complain and be voted out early. I guess I'm not the typical NFL wife. I'm more of a tomboy from Brooklyn. I've never been overly girly. I grew up with three big brothers. They never gave me a break. I had to fight them first. It was great training. Needless to say, I didn't live up to my stereotype. 


Prior to being cast for Tocantins, you had never watched ‘Survivor’, have you continued to watch the show since your appearance?


Unfortunately, I've only been able to catch a few episodes since my appearance. Between SWV, being a full-time wife and mom, and my Rodan & Fields business. I haven't had much time to breathe. I don't think I've watched anything that wasn't on Netflix or Apple apps in years. 


For someone who wasn’t overly familiar with the game of Survivor you appeared to adapt to the strategic game relatively quickly, did you have a particular strategy heading in?


That's really funny! I literally felt like a duck out of water. I always tell people that I was hoodwinked. When I was approached about doing the show I assumed hair and make-up were included. I had to watch about 12 seasons to become acclimated with the game before I left. I didn't have a game plan. I was literally being myself. I didn't want to intentionally hurt anyone. It wasn't until my first visit to Exile Island that I realized I truly had to survive! I became more careful around the camp and tried to warm up to everyone. It was easy being me!


It’s rumoured that you were offered a spot in Survivor: ‘Heroes vs. Villains’ but declined, has your ‘Survivor’ journey come to an end?


That is true. I have been asked to come back several times. I'm grateful that I was able to meet an awesome group of people (that I'm still in contact with today) but I think I'm done. At 44 years old, I'm not as agile as I used to be. I told them I'd make an appearance for a challenge but I can't do a full season. Besides, Coko and Lelee would kill me‼  


You had quite an emotional visit with your husband on ‘Tocantins’, it appeared as though he was incredibly impressed with your survival skills, had you impressed yourself?


My husband was completely impressed with my endurance. I'm pretty tough and have endured a mountain of challenges that would make 39 days on Survivor a piece of cake. My biggest challenge out there was being away from my family. At the time, my son was three years old. I missed him terribly. I beat myself up every night. I felt like it was selfish of me to leave my baby for my own entertainment. He needed me more than the game. Whenever I'm down my husband is always there to pick me up. I didn't have my strength with me. By the time we made it to the family visit I was just emotionally exhausted. When I realized my husband said "See you back at the camp" my heart exploded. I would've left the game right then and there if that was a part of the challenge and it meant I could see my family. 


Although it’s nearly seven years on, are there any particular memorable moments that stand out for you during your time in Brazil?


Survivor is a pretty amazing game. I always tell anyone who asks, that Survivor is the only true reality show on TV. Every moment of everyday something new and different happened. The whole experience I could never forget. 


How did you feel when your alliance voted you out as they saw you as too much of a threat?


Initially, I was really disappointed in the guys. I had really believed in our alliance. I knew I was a threat from day one because of my background alone. I knew that if we were the final three they would definitely vote me out. I wasn't expecting the blindside. But, by the time I made it to the final step of Tribal Council, I was looking forward to a bath, more than being angry that I was voted out. 


We will see your Tocantins cast-mate and alliance member Stephen Fishbach return to our screens shortly with ‘Survivor: Cambodia- Second Chance’ - how do you think he will go?


Stevo is resilient and extremely smart. I think most people underestimate his strategic mind. He's a Yale man! His brain alone is worth millions. He's not going to be the strongest or the fastest but he will out-smart the hell out of all of them. I wouldn't be surprised if he wins!


Are there any other former Survivor castaways that you think deserve a “second chance”?


I think Brendan Synnott would be great. He was so good at the game. I think he was like me. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. He was very athletic and handsome. Not to mention, he was a millionaire already! I think he'd be great for a second chance. If for no other reason, just to prove he can win!


Now to our "Quick Six":


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


Why, Survivor Tocantins! That's a no brainer!


What is your least favourite season of Survivor?


I don't have one. 


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


I'd have to say JT. He is truly an awesome guy with a pure heart. I was elated for him. 


Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?


Oh God! I have no idea‼️ 


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


When I was blindsided‼


Finish this sentence: Going forward Survivor needs to...


Going forward Survivor needs to...Give a million dollars to two lucky players. The winner and the fan favorite. That would be awesome! 


Finally, what will we see next from you?


I'm still touring with SWV. We're working on our 7th album soon to be released. I'm also knee deep in my Rodan and Fields skin care line. My website is updated frequently if you want to know more. WWW.TAJGEORGE.COM 


Thank you so much for your time Taj.


You're so welcome!

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