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Twila Tanner- Survivor: Vanuatu

July 29 2015


We caught up with 'Survivor: Vanuatu' runner up Twila Tanner about her time on Survivor, who she would like to see receive a "second chance" & meeting Hugh Hefner...


AFSS: Today I am chatting with “Survivor: Vanuatu” runner up Twila Tanner thanks for your time Twila. What has life been like for Twila Tanner since your time in Vanuatu?


Twila Tanner: After Survivor I travelled a lot and went to many charity events. Then life went back to what I would call normal. I fell in love and moved to Florida where I reside today.


We have seen your ‘Survivor: Vanuatu’ cast mates Ami and Eliza return in ‘Survivor: Micronesia’, have you ever been contacted about a potential return to ‘Survivor’?

CBS has contacted me twice to return to the show and at the last minute ripped it away from me. I was very hurt the first time around and just got totally pissed the second time. Honestly - don’t really care about being asked again.


What would you do differently if you had another chance to play?


Be more social with my tribe mates. Learn more about them.


Your name has come up when speaking to a number of former castaways, as someone that they would love to see receive a ‘Second Chance’ in Survivor. Is there anyone you would like to see receive a ‘Second Chance’?


I would love to see Coby (Archa)... I love Coby and think he would do really great if he was to get back on the show.


You worked extremely hard during your time in Vanuatu, is your work ethic something that you pride yourself upon?


Even before survivor , I have always been proud of my work ethic. It’s just who I am.


Did your time in Vanuatu take a physical toll on your body?


Oh yes. I will actually be honest and tell you that there was a point in the game if I had been voted off I wouldn’t have cared. I was emotionally, physically , and mentally drained.


Were there any particular highlights from your time in Vanuatu?


Sure.. I remember a lot of things that stick into my head... I guess the earth quake sticks out in my mind.


What was your initial reaction when you discovered that the tribes would be divided by gender?


My reaction was---- oh shit..... really... for me that was the worst thing that could have happened . I have nothing in common with most girls and wow it hit me pretty hard.


What was the reaction like back home when you returned from the show?


Of course no one knows except your family . My son picked me up from the airport and I ran and jumped into his arms and cried and held him for a very long time. Just about the same thing with the rest of my family....


You competed on Fear Factor with Jon Dalton can you tell us about that experience?


My personal opinion is that Fear Factor was a joke. Joe Rogan is an ass... Jon was --well Jon. The best thing that came out of that experience was that I met Victoria that was a centrefold playmate and she took me to the playboy mansion where I met Hugh Hefner.. THAT WAS COOL!!!!!! 


What is next for Twila Tanner?


I just take life one day at a time.. Not sure where or in what direction I would like for my life to go at this age --- but I’m sure it will be an adventure.


Thanks for your time Twila, all the best. 


Thanks for everything--- Have a GREAT day.....

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