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AFSS's: One Minute Interview

Josh Canfield-Survivor San Juan del Sur

July 18 2015


Completing the AFFS One Minute Interview today is Survivor: San Juan del Sur premerge strategic powerhouse, singer, writer and actor Josh Canfield.



01. What is your favorite season of Survivor ever?

"Probably Heroes vs Villians, but a close second/third would be Palau or Micronesia."


02. What is your least favorite season of Survivor ever?

"That's a hard one, as I have really enjoyed them all...perhaps Nicaragua or Vanuatu."


03. Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?

"Parvati Shallow."


04. Who was the least deserving Survivor winner ever?

"Maybe Natalie White or Jud...although, I feel if you win, then you are deserving.."


05. What is the worst twist in Survivor history?

"I didn't like the Tyler Perry idol twist in Cagayan...too much power."


06. Which player would you most like to see receive a “Second Chance”

"Me of course! Then Reed Kelly! "


07. Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty: All Stars – which tribe would you be put on?

"Probably brains"


08. You’ve made it to final three, You’re sitting at the final tribal council, … which two contestants do you want sitting next to you?

"From my season? I would have wanted Alec and Dale."


09. Who was the most annoying castaway on your season, and what did they do to deserve that title?

"Most annoying was probably Drew, but I never had the chance to play with him...from the people I was with, I'd probably say Missy. She warrants that because of the way she treated Baylor, and how she would act with tribemates who weren't in her alliance."


10. Moving forward, Survivor needs to… 




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