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Erik Reichenbach-

Survivor: Micronesia & Survivor: Caramoan

August 06 2015


AFSS: . Today I am chatting with Survivor: Micronesia and Survivor: Caramoan contestant Erik Reichenbach thanks for joining us today Erik and congratulations on your recent marriage.


Erik Reichenbach:  Thank you!


For those who don’t know, can you tell us a little bit about your graphic design business and what else you have been up to since your time in Caramoan?


I currently live and work in Ann Arbor Michigan as a graphic designer but do my own comics and illustrations for others as well. ( Lately I've been working with a programmer on a mobile app strategy game called Islands of Chaos. (

You were a contestant on two Fan Vs Favourites seasons, one in Micronesia and one in the Philippines, did you have a preference between the two locations? 


Palau is the best, no question. Palau's weather was exceptional the entire time we were there, with not nearly as much humidity or rain as the Philippines. Palau is also incredibly clean compared to where we were in Caramoan. 


Erik, you painted some absolutely bitching tribal-merge flags, in both seasons, what ever happened to them?


Well both were auctioned for charity by CBS, with the second flag from Enil Edam being purchased by Malcolm Freberg's family. 


Heading back to Survivor: Micronesia to begin with, as a fan of the show can you recall a particular moment where you stopped and thought, “wow this is actually happening, I’m on Survivor!”?


Probably every half an hour I thought that. Walking into tribal, stepping up to your team mat, switching buffs... Over and over being amazed that you are living the show you grew up watching on TV.  Extremely surreal.


Were there any particular members of the ‘Favorites’ tribes in Micronesia that you were excited to compete against?


Essentially I wanted everyone to see that dizzy wasn't that awesome. There's so much hype around Oz, and I was super determined to beat him. 


Were there any “Favorites” tribes members that really didn’t live up to the preconception that you had of them heading into the game?


My pre conceived ideas on the favorites personalities went out the window as soon as we hit the beach. They are characters on TV, but in real life they're human beings. If Survivor was able to show two hour episodes each time, I don't think they would have a problem looking for more entertaining footage based on the interesting people they decide to cast.



Are you pleased that I haven’t mentioned you giving up individual immunity to Natalie yet…?


Eh. If we were playing Family Feud the top answer on the board for "questions to ask Erik Reichenbach" would be that question.


Heading to Caramoan now, given that so much screen time was taken up by just a handful of contestants, I was disappointed that we didn’t see more of you. Were there any memorable moments that you can recall that didn’t make it air?


There was a lot. Probably the highlight would have been meeting with Brenda to write a note on a piece of tree-mail to toss to the fans at a challenge. This was pre-swap when we had voted with Francesca and thought we would be voted out quickly.


As someone who obviously likes to keep active, how did you cope with a LOT of sitting around all day? What did you do to keep busy?


It was miserable. A lot of drawing in the sand, making cards out of tribe flag paint and leaves, and lots of sleeping. 


In an interview with, you called the Caramoan live reunion show disrespectful, ridiculous, and "a farce”. I know, we personally were surprised and disappointed that we didn’t get to hear from you – especially given the way you ended the game – were you ever provided with an explanation as to why that was?


Yes and no. The answer was "we have limited time at live finales". If that was the case, I'm not sure why so much time was spent on interviewing Boston Rob and catching up with Richard Hatch + Rudy who weren't even on the current season. Caramoan finale was outrageous.


And did you receive an explanation at all for Jeff’s lack of love towards you? If not why do you think that was the case?


I honestly have no idea. 


I know, that it can be difficult talking hypothetically, but how do you think you were positioned in the game prior to your evacuation? Do you think you would’ve made the final 3?


I think I would have made it to the finals. If that would have happened I would likely have gotten 2nd or 3rd to Dawn or Brenda, who I was planning to be there with.


Who is your tip to win the upcoming Survivor: Cambodia – Second Chance?


Hmmm... Fingers crossed for my boy, Stephen Fishbach.


You have appeared on seasons with a LOT of big egos… I’d like to do a little bit of ‘Survivor Word Association’ with you now – I’ll give you a name you give me the first word or sentence that comes to mind -








LA lifestyle


































Now to our "Quick Six"


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


Fiji. So bad but so good.


What is your least favorite season of Survivor?


Actually Caramoan surprisingly 


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


Every winner. They found a way to win, they deserve it.


Who was the Least Deserving Survivor Winner? 


I don't think there is a least deserving winner


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


Medallion of Power


Moving forward Survivor needs to...


...Bring in a better host for the reunion shows


Thanks so much for your time Erik – what is coming up in the near future for you?


Going to give kids the world for the hearts of reality this weekend and celebrating my 1 year wedding anniversary.


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