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AFSS's: One Minute Interview

Brian Corridan-Survivor Guatemala

July 21 2015


We are sending some love Survivor: Guatemala's way with Brian Corridan completing the AFFS One Minute Interview.



01. What is your favorite season of Survivor ever?

"Too many to pick! Heroes Vs. Villains, Micronesia, Pearl Islands, Amazon... and recently Philippines and Cagayan were great."


02. What is your least favorite season of Survivor ever?

"Redemption Island, for sure.."


03. Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?

"Queen Sandra."


04. Who was the least deserving Survivor winner ever?



05. What is the worst twist in Survivor history?

"Aaron getting totally screwed in China"


06. Which player would you most like to see receive a “Second Chance”

"Amy O'Hara! "


07. Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty: All Stars – which tribe would you be put on?

"Brains, for sure."


08. You’ve made it to final three, You’re sitting at the final tribal council, … which two contestants do you want sitting next to you?

"Whoever were the biggest goats. Beating the strongest opponents is nice, but cashing that million dollar check and calling it a day is even nicer."


09. Who was the most annoying castaway on your season, and what did they do to deserve that title?

"Funny enough, I probably got along the least with Amy my season, just because we had really clashing personalities. Turns out, she's now the person I'm closest with from Guatemala and we talk all the time.."


10. Moving forward, Survivor needs to… 

"Moving forward, Survivor needs to keep casting people who know the game and are there to play hard."



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