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Coby Archa - Survivor: Palau

July 17 2015


We caught up with Survivor: Palau's Coby Archa and chatted about Tom's "fake ego", knocking James on his ass and those that he thinks should be erased from Survior lore...


AFSS: I have the great pleasure of being joined by Survivor: Palau's Coby Archa, thank you for chatting to us today Coby.


Coby Archa: You know I do what I can .... To force people to hear me talk endlessly about Survivor. And your pretty face helped seal the deal.


Now first off Coby, you were known for being outspoken, and not being one to hold back - can you set the tone for this interview early and tell me who, if anyone, on your season drove you absolutely insane?


Obviously Tom. Not Wanda who sang and got voted out before the game even started in the school yard pick 'em, but Tom. The only thing worse than Tom's fake ego was the fact EVERYONE seemed to write him the check on Day 1. 


Survivor: Palau did almost appear to be a pre-determined outcome from day one. What do you think it was that was making people seemingly say, "Hmmm I know Tom's going to win, but hey I'm not gonna be the one to rock the boat!"?

I think part of it is simple defeat. In the back of your mind where you think, "ummm if I can't win Tom would be great." Tom on paper was sooooo great and our cast was actually such a nice group of people, that I think they thought how great it would be to have a good person win. You know our season was still coming off a few season from Fairplay and I think our cast wanted Survivor to be good spirited. Not like it is now *laughs*.


Have you ever been contacted about a potential return? If you were to return now, what would you do differently?


I was contacted for the first Fans Vs Favs but dumped last minute with a handful of others that included Terry, Shane and Twila. Good news is Shane and Terry got tossed into the Second Chance so maybe there is still hope for Twila and I!


If I was to play again I would play very differently. First time I was a fan of the show who was star struck every time Jeff Probst looked at me. My head was way out of the game. This time, I have kids that I want to make proud and I have Jenn Lyons name to carry on. A much different motivation. The main thing I would do differently is talk to everyone.  Never assume you know everyone's game play, that was a big fault in my last game... Assuming. And you know what they say about assume... Make an ASS out of U and ME. 


Well I for one would be definitely voting daily for a Coby and Twila return -are there any other contestants aside from yourself and Twila that you would love to receive a "second chance"?


Any “old school” players! RyanO, John Carroll, I HATE that I didn't get to play with Kelly Wigglesworth but I would love to help prove "Old School" does it better!!!!


If you were to pick any two players to sit next to at a final 3 tribal council, who would you choose and why?


Let's say I was picked for this Second Chance I would want to be final three with Kelly Wigglesworth because she is a beast and Jeff Varner because he would make a fun final three. I just wouldn't want to be final three with people I didn't like but Shane wasn't picked anyway *laughs*.


*Laughs*  There's clearly more to that story - care to elaborate?


Let's just say if they would have stuck Shane and I on the same tribe it would have been a very interesting season.


Now one more hypothetical scenario for you before we move on, now you appear as a man that could represent all three, but if cast on a Beauty Vs Brawn Vs Brains Season, what tribe would you place yourself in?


Before I played the game I would have said Brain but after playing I would say Brawn. My mind was a high school mess playing the game where as my body never let me down! Just ask James Miller.


You are of course referring to when you... for want of a better term, "knocked James on his ass?" Maybe CBS are missing a great opportunity for a theme here, LGBT Vs Red Necks - surely you'd have a pretty fucking good tribe.


John Carroll, Brice, Brandon and I? Sign me up!!!!!


Sticking with Survivor: Palau, were there any particular memorable moments that you can recall that didn't make it to air?


I was very lucky that they showed my story a lot, where as like poor Jenn wasn't even shown until the 7th episode. The only part of my story I was shocked that they didn't show was my relationship with Janu. We had a whole story that they didn't show. But I fixed that at the live Finale when I revealed I named my daughter after her.


Can you tell us a little bit more about your relationship with Janu?


Janu was my only ally out there that I truly trusted from day one. The problem was she got very sick, very quickly which made it impossible to play with her. If she would have felt better we could have done great things I believe. There were many things they didn't show between us like Janu carrying my bag once I got voted out. I didn't take my things to Tribal because I honestly thought she was going home. For the next 3 days Janu as weak as she was carried all my things around for me until she could bring them back to me.


And how are your beautiful children doing?


My kids are awesome. My daughter Janu would be great if the show stays on long enough to play Blood Vs Water with her in 8 years. My son is all boy but I don't think Survivor is his game.


We're nearing the end of our interview, and before we finish up with our  “Quick Six”. I feel like you've touched on your dislike for Shane, the irritation that Tom caused you... but I feel like you're holding back. In true Coby Archa fashion, that you we all came to know and love, I feel like you need to let loose on somebody or something... I'll count you in.. 3, 2, 1.... GO!


The Hantz Family needs to be erased from Survivor's lore. Period. Gross end of story.


*Laughs* I love it! Haha. I love it! Okay we will get to the quick six now...


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


Survivor: Amazon


What is your least favourite season of Survivor?


Survivor: Cook Islands


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


Sandra hands down she has one twice


Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?


Everyone that wins deserves it... They won


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


Palau school yard pick'em, they didn't get to do a challenge or see Tribal Council


Fill the gap: Going forward Survivor needs to...


... put my ass back on so I can show that a winner can be complex but still well loved! I have more than a few surprises up my sleeve!  


Thank you so much for your time Coby, it's been an absolute pleasure, please leave us today with an update of what the future holds for you?


Second Chance 2? *laughs*


Let's hope so! Thanks again!


Sure babe







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