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Kelly Shinn- Survivor: Nicaragua

July 31 2015


Today AFFS are joined by 'Survivor: Nicaragua' contestant, the lady known as “Purple Kelly”, Kelly Shinn and finally got to see the side of her that her awful edit didn't allow us to see....!


AFSS: You were a nursing student during your time on the show, can you tell us what you have been up to in the five years since?


Kelly Shinn: So actually, I was working on courses to get into a nursing program while finishing my bachelors degree from University of Hawaii.  I am now, FINALLY, about ready to graduate from a nursing program with my RN in Arizona.  Since my time on Survivor I received my bachelors degree, and took some time to travel a bit.  I headed to Grand Cayman, Bermuda, Barbados, Jamaica, The Exumas, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Montserrat, Croatia, and all over Italy.  I spent ‘Lobster Week’ in Key West, took a sea plane to Dry Tortuga and hiked a bit in Sedona.  Taken spontaneous beach trips to California, headed of course to Las Vegas & done some hiking around Arizona.  I have helped my mom win multiple championships on the West Coast with our 3 gaited Friesian World Champion, WC Siger.  There has yet to be a dull moment and every moment has been well spent.  Granted there has been A TON of studying and sleepless nights to get here, but all worth it.

Can you tell us about how you were chosen to be a part of 'Survivor: Nicaragua?'


While in school in Hawaii I was approached by a casting director at Ala Moana Shopping Mall.  It was Easter weekend 2010.  I totally blew her off.  One of the guys I was with was laughing saying, “What if she actually is the casting director?” – because of course I just thought she was a creepy mall lady.  We got home and googled her name, I died – it was her.  I found her facebook and messaged her as fast as I could apologizing for being such a bitch.  Little did I know I would be starving my booty off in Nicaragua two months later.  I found out on my 20th birthday that I had been selected for season 21.  It happened so fast and it was chaos and a beautiful dream all wrapped into one.


As the youngest contestant on Survivor: Nicaragua what were your thoughts on the original tribe division by age? 


Of course I thought it was great !  Young vs. Old? BRING IT ON!  We got to the beach and took off into the water in our underwear.  The older tribe was already collecting fire and strategically building a shelter.  That right there is the difference between La Flor & Espada all wrapped into one.  THE MEMORIES! *laughs*


Despite lasting 28 days, we as viewers saw very little of you, you weren’t even given a confessional until episode 7 - were you disappointed with your “edit”?


My edit was a joke.  I didn’t create conflict or drama or back stab anyone.  I went to that country knowing I would ALWAYS have integrity and I returned home proud as ever that I didn’t break that promise to myself, or my family.  CBS did a few things that were extremely lame, my edit was just one of them.  At the end of the day I didn’t go on Survivor for TV time and fame, I went on for experience, adventure, and a life changing opportunity – I got that and beyond.  I am blessed, and my edit does not define my experience with a group of amazing people.


I know here at AFSS we were disappointed with your edit, as you were a contestant that we had our eyes on from the start... *laughs*, can you tell us some of the things you were up to on the island that we unfortunately weren’t shown?


*Laughs* You want the dirty scoop!!! CBS showed some great moments, from our shelter burning to the rivalry between Fabio and Nay.  But as far as any island flings or hot moments, that was far from what was going on.  I wish CBS would have aired Alina and I finding a coconut, or the fourth of July “concert” we had – but things like that the public missed out on seeing.


‘Survivor: Nicaragua’ appeared to be such a wet, and physically demanding season was this the main contributing factor to you deciding to quit the game?


There was a lot that went on behind the scenes that people will never see or hear.  I was physically beat.  My body was shutting down.  I came back home sicker than I have ever been.  With parasites, 20lbs lighter and with health issues that took years to get through. It was an extremely hard time for me, not to mention mentally.


Do you remain in contact with any of your ‘Survivor: Nicaragua’ cast members?


I do! Thank gosh!  We had been through hell and back together, people like that you don’t just forget about.  I keep in touch with a few of the people, but regardless of who it is, we can go months without talking, but when we do, it is like we never skipped a beat.  This last year I was a bridesmaid for NaOnka and her same Survivor boyfriend Nizar – it was beautiful.  I remember talking to Nay on the beach in Nicaragua, sharing our life stories and boyfriends back home – she was crazy about this guy, their love is beautiful still.  I see Chase when he comes to town for concerts, of course that is always a great time.  I see Fabio, Jane and occasionally Holly and Tyrone annually at our ‘Hearts Of Reality’ event held in Celebration, Florida – that too is always a good time.  These people are family to me.  Survivor is the adventure of a lifetime and I will forever care about each of these people I spent time with on the beach.


With the upcoming ‘ Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance’ season - are there any contestants that you would like to see receive a “Second Chance”?


I’m going to keep this vague, but I think the second chance opportunity is a great way to keep fans involved…whether it matters who we vote for or not, I am sure it’ll make for a great season.  I would have liked to see Troyzan back on, Natalie and a couple of others, but I’m glad Spencer is back on for season 31!


What has been the most positive experience that you have had due to your time on Survivor?


Survivor has given me the opportunity to participate in multiple AMAZING charity events that truly make a difference.  I am passionate about what I promote and being able to do something like Skype Chats for charity is still humbling and crazy to me.  I never would have guessed people would donate money to chat with me for a few minutes.  Similar to that, the fan mail that I have received world wide has been the coolest thing ever to me.  The fans that send me mail probably have no idea the impact it has on me.  It makes my day like you wouldn’t believe.  I have a box of mail that I can go through on bad days just to realize I have friends around this world that have made so many of my days perfect just from a single letter.  Not to mention the “fans” that have turned into family over the years.  I can’t even look at them as “Survivor Fans” because I love them dearly and would do anything for some of these people.  I can’t believe how lucky I am to be connected with so many amazing people, because of Survivor.


Have there been any negatives? 


I laugh about this – but, I have had an issue finding guys that are accepting of the fact that I have been on a reality TV show.  They don’t like what goes along with it I guess, the fun charity weekends, the crowd of amazing people you’re surrounded by – or whatever else.  But this can hardly be classified as a negative.


What is your favorite season of 'Survivor' ever?


Besides my very own AMAZING Season 21 – I’ll say Season 30 is my favorite.  For whatever reason, I was absolutely obsessed with trying to figure out everything about season 30.  The people seemed genuinely great – which although some people love villains, I enjoy watching a show full of integrity AND drama.  and yes, it is possible to have both.


What is your least favorite season of 'Survivor' ever?


Some will/do hate me for this answer because I have yet to see EVERY single season and episode and moment of the game – so my opinion may be a bit skewed.  However, my least favorite season was 22.  Without saying too much, I think I had just had enough of Survivor for one year.  Not to mention, ‘Redemption Island’ was overall not my style.  Props to those stuck on an island ALONE ! I would have been scared outta my witts there.


Who was the most deserving 'Survivor' winner ever?


Judson Birza AKA FABIO ! ! !  He had a similar story to Season 30 winner, Mike.  Jud was stealth, and took people by surprise.  He was on the outs and had to fight for each immunity win to stay in the game.  Win after win, while he was on the chopping block, got him to the final three.  He sat in front of a jury filled with majority younger tribe, who he had managed to not destroy relationships with, and on a personal level – gave me his dang long sleeve yellow retro jacket to wear day after day. (Sidenote:  CBS had put me in a dress for the show. (IT WAS FREEZING) ! ) For anyone to give up any piece of clothing during some miserable cold wet nights would be unheard of I would imagine, of course Jud did it because he is overall a beautiful human.  A great person, someone who had to fight to make it, and someone who managed to play a great game while keeping his integrity – that is a winner to me.


Who was the least deserving 'Survivor' winner ever?


Someone living with close to nothing, playing a crazy mind playing “game” for 39 days is never a least deserving winner.  Regardless of his/her story, they had to fight to get there somehow.  They made it and they deserve it.


What is the worst twist in 'Survivor' history?


Redemption Island, honestly what the heck was that even about.


Which player would you most like to see receive a “Second Chance”?


First off, I like to see new people on the show.  Which may have been a reason I enjoyed S30 so much.  I LOVE watching Survivor Fans and Super Fans hit the island and try to make it to the end – I LOVE THAT.  The people that have no idea what to expect, what the game is really about, the people that have sat at home and critiqued every move from their living room, those are the people I want to see on this show.  However, a great second chance person, whom I believe was robbed during S31 Second Chance (but that is an entirely different story), is Troyzan.  He falls into superfan category.  He is fun to watch, he’s passionate about the game and the best part - he is a wonderful human being.


Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty: All Stars – which tribe would you be put on?


What! I want to be strong, smart & beautiful !  The tribe I would choose to put myself on would be the brains.  What threat would a “brain” have during most of these challenges?  A brawn I would be threatened by.  And although a beauty is flattering, if you make it to the end as a “beauty” how would you look standing next to a brawn or brain with that label.  It’s all about the labels and how people are perceived in this game.  CBS lands you with any label and you could be defending yourself for the next 39 days.


You’ve made it to final three, You’re sitting at the final tribal council, … which two contestants do you want sitting next to you?


These questions are good.  One week I have one thought on this crazy reality show and the next week I’m headed in a totally different strategic direction.  I would have brought Jimmy Johnson to the end, because the likelihood of giving a millionaire another million dollars probably wouldn’t set well with the jury – plus I could have picked his brains and made great small talk for 39 days I am just sure of it.  I would have also sat myself next to Chase.  Although he played a great game, it was so “wishy-washy” he ended up with a jury not fond of him.  Besides, you know he would have been out there singing to us during some of those nights from hell, a little Lady Antebellum makes things just a little bit more tolerable.



Who was the most annoying castaway on your season, and what did they do to deserve that title?


Well Shannon, for obvious reasons.  Thank gosh he was the first voted off our tribe.  He was rude, all about teaming up with the boys (what kind of strategy is that?) and then showed his true colors during our first tribal council.  Honestly, I am so easy going it takes A LOT for me to be annoyed to any degree.  I know people were annoyed with one another within my tribe but I easily kept peace between myself and others, that’s just my nature and I’m grateful for that.


Moving forward, Survivor needs to…


KEEP IT GOIN FOR ANOTHER 30 SEASONS!!!  This show is so special to me, so special to reality television and so special to people around the world.  I would like to see the original CBS Survivor expand applicant opportunities worldwide (or at least to Australia, England, Canada).  I would also like to see the show get back to the basics somewhat – maybe a few less luxuries; like pillows and hammocks, holy heck that makes this a dang near paradise.

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