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Holly Hoffman- Survivor: Nicaragua

July 29 2015


AFFS caught up with 'Survivor - Nicaragua' castaway Holly Hoffman about her journey, the lessons she learnt from the game and what she did to try and stay in the game...


AFSS: Today I am joined inspirational and motivational speaker, and the last woman standing in Survivor: Nicaragua Holly Hoffman - thanks for joining me today Holly.


Holly Hoffman: Thank you so much for having me!  I am honored.


Holly how has life been treating you since we last saw you on our screens on Survivor?


Life has been treating me great.  Many changes in my life since being on the show and all good changes!!  I would have never thought in a million years being on a reality show would have given me so many wonderful opportunities!

Can you talk us through how you became to be a part of Survivor: Nicaragua?


It was May 2009 and I was sitting at home watching the finale of Samoa and I started thinking about what it would be like to play the game of Survivor.  I looked over at my husband and said, “ I am going to apply to be on Survivor!!”  He thought I was crazy!!  He helped me make a three minute audition tape and I filled out all the paper work and sent it in.  I did ONE tape - no script, no music………just stood in front of the camera and talked.  I talked about my family, my life and why I wanted to be on Survivor - 8 months later I got a call!!!  Completely shocked - completely!!  They flew me to LA for a casting call and I made it the entire week and when I got the final call that I make it I about passed out *laughs*.


Do you recall your feelings you first heard that they were first dividing the tribes by age on Survivor: Nicaragua?  


I was very surprised.  One of my first thoughts as we divided into old VS young was there was no way Yve was over 40 *laughs*


We definitely saw you complete a “journey” during your time in Nicaragua, you appeared to struggle in the beginning but really came home strong, what was the turning point for you?


 I really struggled!  I was telling myself I couldn’t do it.  I wasn’t fitting in very well with my tribe, wasn’t sleeping, wasn’t eating, the rain, the bugs - WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO!  I remember walking on the beach thinking there is no way I can do this.  People from all walks of life and some of them were getting under my skin - I would have never ever thought this was going to be this hard.  I was DONE!  I walked up to a producer and said, “Get me out of here I can’t do this.”  He looked at me and said “do you know what you are doing”  I said “YEP!  I am done”.  As I was sitting by myself I started to think about my children - what would they think if I quit on national television.  I coached swimming for 17 years - what would my swimmers think?  Then I went and asked Jimmy Johnson if I could talk to him - why Coach Johnson??  I trusted him - I looked up to him. His words were encouraging, he inspired me, he believed in me - after talking to Coach Johnson I knew I needed to make some CHANGE! I needed to start believing in myself and telling myself I could do this - I needed to start playing the game of Survivor!!


How did you find your last few days on the show, when you thought you were going to be sent home as too much of a “threat”?  


I knew I had a chance of going home - I didn’t think Chase was going to vote for me. Chase and I were very close in the game and I truly thought he would not write my name down.  I was hoping for a tie! I even told Chase, “If you vote for Sash - Sash and I would do a fire challenge and my fate would be in my hands not yours.”  Didn’t work.  I kept hoping for a turn around.  I kept talking to Chase!  I also tried to tell Chase that he needed to think about jury votes and more people hated Sash so by you voting for him it would only help him. Didn’t work.


Were there any memorable moments of your time in Nicaragua that we didn’t see on television that you would care to share with us?


Yes.  I walked off by myself many times while on the show and prayed - I also walked off many times and thought about my mom.  As I travel and speak about my time on Survivor in the jungle with nothing - I also talk about my mom.  You see I am not the real survivor - my mom is!  I come from an abusive alcoholic family and my mom worked hard to raise three kids and she never gave up.  Our family always hid behind a closed door - the screaming, fighting, hitting but when we left our home we covered much of our pain up with smiles - there were no doors for me to hide behind in the jungle.  Being on Survivor made me realize the importance of family and inner strength - it did more for me than helping  me to become a motivational speaker.  It made me realize the importance of letting go and enjoying every second!


Were there any lessons that you learned during your time on the show that you have taken with you through your life since?  


The importance of stepping out of your comfort zone.  It’s not always about winning - it’s what you learn from the experience.  Sometimes in life we hold ourselves back with personal fears and doubts about what we can accomplish,  but if we never try we will never know.  The challenges we face now are the lessons we will use later.  I find it helpful to think about the challenges we face as serving a greater purpose that will make us stronger with everything we do.


With the upcoming ‘Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance’ season are there any Survivor contestants that you would like to see return to the game?  


I like all the returning contestants - I would have liked to see Troyzan play again.


And who is your pick to win Survivor Cambodia?


I would like to see Spencer win - I liked Spencer’s game play.  I also thought Jeremy was a hard player.


Have you ever been contacted about returning to the game yourself?  


I have been contacted three times to play again.  ‘Fan vs Favorites’ - then didn’t make it and ‘Blood vs Water’ both times.  The first ‘Blood vs Water’ they wanted my daughter and I to play and she was getting married - the second ‘Blood vs Water’ they asked my husband and I and then they changed it to no returnees.


If you were to be cast in a Blood Vs Water season, who would you most like to have out there with you?


My son - he would be awesome at this game!!  Very strong person - physically and mentally..


Now I’d love to do a bit of 'Survivor Nicaragua' word association, and have you give me the first word that comes to mind when I mention the following people…




















Sore loser




Damn her




Should have won


Jimmy T


Talked too much


Now, to our “Quick Six”.  


What is your favorite Season of Survivor?


I have many.  I really liked Tocantins


What is your least favourite Season of Survivor?




Who was the most Deserving Survivor Winner ever?


Season 28 Cagayan Tony


Who was the Least Deserving Survivor Winner?


Season 19 Natalie


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


Honestly I can’t think of a worst twist - I like twists - I like seeing new things happen


Finish this sentence: Going forward Survivor needs to...


...Turn 39 days into 49 days - make it longer test the contestants - have a season and call it the REAL TEST OF SURVIVAL 


What will we see next from you?


Survivor has opened up many doors for me as I travel around the USA speaking.  January 2016 will be 5 years since I have been speaking and last year I did 126 speeches.  I have written a book, I have a website, I have a promo tape, I belong to three speaking bureaus and I am also a proud grandmother!!  I love doing what I am doing - I really love meeting people!!  My goal is to speak in every state.


Well I'd like to wish you the best of luck, thank you so much for your time Holly. 


Thank you so very much for the interview I greatly appreciate it!!

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