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Bruce Kanegai - Survivor: Panama

July 17 2015


In our interview with Survivor: Panama's Bruce Kanegai we talk about what Survivor should be like and which Survivors have earned his respect...


AFSS: I have the great pleasure now of being able to ask Survivor: Panama castaway Bruce Kanegai some questions, thank you for your time Bruce.


Bruce Kanegai: Greetings from Exile Island!


Bruce, you were a boy scout, you have a black belt in karate and a teacher. Which of these things do you believe assisted you the most in the game of Survivor?


I think that achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, gave me the backpacking and wilderness survival situations that gave me the knowledge and skills to compete on Survivor in any country, eco-system or season.  I was the knot tying champion in the Boy Scouts, I laid out palm leaves on the trail at night so you can feel your way to the beach, I created the first shelter for the fire pit that protected the fire and coals overnight.  A couple of times, our camp site flooded, so the fire was out. The Special Trainings that I attended and teaching with the Shotokan Karate of America for 50 years gave me the mental and physical preparation to withstand and compete as a serious contestant for 39 days. It didn’t matter the age or size of anyone…I was ready to face anyone in a challenge. I was going to put an arm bar on Nick during one of the challenges in the sand, but I did not want to hurt him. 

You  were a contestant on arguably one of the physically toughest seasons of Survivor, and right up to the end you appeared to be working extremely hard – do you think that the modern Survivor players have it to easy?


Often on Survivor, the older contestants are always working to fix the shelter, get extra firewood or fixing up the camp. It is a breath of fresh air to have the young responsible Survivors helping or taking charge.  We had only the one set of clothes, a dull machete and a heavy iron pot. To get water, we had to climb a muddy hill to fill the pot and carry the few canteens during the constant rain. I don’t like the show when you get tools, food at the beginning or extra clothes. Also, our first aid advisor just told us to drink water and keep our wounds clean….no bandages, casts, or stitches. That’s how it should be. 



When they returned for Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, Both Danielle DiLorenzo and Sugar Kiper listed you as the castaway that they most respected. Are there any particular castaways that you hold in high regard?


I am both delighted and honored that Danielle and Sugar listed me as the castaway they most respected…I didn’t know. I’m best friends with BobDawg Mason and respect him during the show and long after. There are a dozen Survivors that I admire and hold in high regard for what they do after the show. That was part of my speech at the Final Tribal Council. I look at Gillian Larson with admiration along with a dozen others who represent Survivor in a charitable way, kindness and great with the fans from all over the world versus the ones who come to events, selfish, get plastered and embarrass themselves. It was a pleasure to hang with Jennifer Lyon, Earl Cole, Richard Hatch, BobDawg Mason, Daniel Lue, Aras Baskauskas, Terry Deitz, Katie Gallagher, Danielle Di Lorenzo, Lipgloss Rita, Jolanda Jones, Yau-Man, Big Tom, Billy Garcia, and more. Sorrry if I left some out, but I’ll mention them later.


At the age of 67 would you ever consider a return to Survivor? How do you think you would fare?


I just had a total Titanium shoulder replacement surgery 2 months ago. If offered the opportunity again, I would be honored and ready to compete. I’ll be 68 years old this year, I still run the mountain trails, teach 6 classes of Karate every week, go to the gym twice a week and stay in great shape. I would be one of the consistent key players to be on a tribe. If you look at some of the challenges on my show, I smoked the other team with the Skull puzzle, swam strong and had pretty good balance. I’ll never be the strongest, fastest or jump the highest, but I will fight and compete til I pass out.


With the recent Survivor: Cambodia, second chance season – aside from yourself, which other former Survivor castaway do you think is most deserving of a “second chance”?


While attending over 40 reality celebrity charity appearances, I have had the honor to meet many wonderful Survivor celebs and several not-so-nice Survivor cast members. From the people that I know personally and their character I found these people deserving and special…Jolanda Jones (fabulous athlete and brilliant), Brook Geraghty (outstanding athlete and competitive), Katie Gallagher,  Eliza Orlins, Coby Archa, Bobby Mason, and  James Tarantino. I did not get to watch the first 9 seasons and the other people I like have already been on twice. These people can make an exciting season for Survivor.


What was your biggest highlight of your time on the show?


The highlight of course was being selected to compete…The funny part was, I didn’t really get to watch Survivor because it was on the nights I taught Karate and my wife was against me going on another adventure. I didn’t even know which person was Mark Burnett or Jeff Probst during one of the interviews when I was sequestered with the final 50 people trying out for Survivor. Winning some challenges and meeting Bobdawg Mason, Danielle De Lorenzo and Terry Dietz was special. 


Were there any particular moments on the show that you wish were aired but weren’t?


Laying down palm leaves so you know where the trail is at night, building the cover for the fire, praying with Cirie to calm her down during the Skull puzzle, and screaming at Sally about winning bacon and coffee to eat during the breakfast in bed challenge.


What were your thoughts on the "controversial" tribe divisions in Survivor: Cook Islands?


The tribal division by race on Cook Island was a different idea, but didn't really work.  On Survivor, you are drawn to make alliance with someone with your same personality, age or similar lifestyles.


'The Quick Six':


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


My favorite season was my season and Guatemala because I never got to see the earlier seasons.


What is your least favourite season of Survivor?



My least favorite seasons are the last 6 seasons because the cast members seem to have more and don't suffer as much. They have more clothes, they get stitches and casts put on them. This is supposed to be Survivor.


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


In the end, if you are the last person standing, you deserve to win whether I like them or not. It's easy to make a choice watching it, but fans don't realize the editing, how truly difficult it is. Only those who competed understand.


Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?


I think whoever won deserves it.


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


I don't know about the worst twist, but I don't like it when there a too many Hidden Immunity Idols. I think it is hysterical when someone gets blindsided holding on to a Hidden Immunity Idol.


Finish this sentence: Going forward Survivor needs to...


I think the casting could be stronger. There are some super fans that I think should be on the show. It would be nice to invite me back.


Thank you for your time with me today Bruce, in closing, could you please let your fans out there let us know what you have been up to since Survivor finished, and if/how the show has changed your life?


I have chosen to appear at many charity events across America and I return any appearance fees.  I do motivational speaking for community organizations, schools and corporations. I have been traveling the world, training in Karate, judging in International competitions in Israel, Japan and France. I quit teaching art, law enforcement and backpacking and spend 6-8 hours a week building my online shopping business. I go on 6 vacations every 4 months, including spending time with my 2 grand babies. Also, I ran with the Bulls twice in Pamplona. I'll be heading to Alaska next month for a 2 week adventure. Cheers.


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