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Paloma Soto-Bemis- Survivor: Gabon

August 14, 2015


Another Fucking Survivor Site catch up with 'Survivor: Gabon' castaway Paloma and have a fascinating and entertaining chat about her tribesmates, how she came to be part of the show and her adventure-filled life...


AFSS: It’s been almost seven years since your time in Gabon, but I believe life has changed pretty dramatically for you since then! Can you let our readers know a little bit about what you have been up to since your Survivor experience came to an end?


Paloma Soto-Bemis: A lot has happened in the past seven years! In 2010 I got married and moved immediately to Okinawa, Japan. We lived in Okinawa for three years while I completed a Masters degree in Special Education and gave birth to our first son, Cai. After Okinawa, we moved to Germany (where we have lived the past two years). In 2014 I gave birth to our second son, Phenix, and started working as a middle school teacher. Next month I am due with our THIRD SON, so needless to say things have been very busy! It's been awesome.  

I believe that you travelled around a lot prior to your time on Survivor, including a period of time where you lived amongst the natives in Kenya, can you tell us about this experience?


Traveling has always been a huge passion of mine. It still is and I've been lucky to travel with my family and my husband on several occasions in the past five years. I am also very passionate about humanitarian work and my trip to Kenya was one of the most rewarding and challenging things I have ever done. I traveled to Kenya during a very difficult time in my life where I needed to separate myself from my current environment and really get to know the "true" me. It was a monumental time of self discovery for me and I couldn't be more grateful for the experience. The people in Kenya, despite their circumstances, are some of the most incredible people I have ever met. Their resilience is outstanding and their love for life is contagious. It really makes you appreciate what you have and not take things for granted. If someone with literally NOTHING to call their own can show so much selflessness and joy in their lives then there is no excuse for us (who essentially have everything) to not do the same.


How much did that experience prepare you for the physical aspects of Survivor?


Haha apparently not enough! Honestly, I was very confident going into the game. After all, I had just conquered one of the most challenging things I had ever done. I was in a great state of mind and I was very aware of who I was and what I wanted out of life. I knew that the mental aspect of the game would be a piece of cake for me. I had lived out in the wild so I thought the physical aspect of the game would also be a piece of cake but I was dead wrong. The physical part of the game ruined me and my chances of winning a million. I was so weak . I lost 13 lbs in 9 days and was a walking bobble head. I would throw up at night (no idea what since we hardly ate) and I couldn't walk up a hill without feeling like I was going to pass out. I had no idea how devastating the experience would be on my body. If I would have known it, I would have prepared a lot differently.


Can you tell us how you came to be cast for 'Survivor: Gabon'?


One of my friends was approached by a recruiter for the Amazing Race in Las Vegas. She is not the adventurous type and passed on the business card to me knowing how perfect the Amazing Race would be for me (I seriously still think I would destroy that game!). I contacted the recruiter and applied with a fellow friend to be contestants on the Amazing Race, it didn't work out but it so happened that they were looking for someone who matched my "description" for Survivor. So I went ahead and filled out the application, made a video, and the rest is history.


Were you initially happy to be part of the ‘Kota’ tribe?


Yes and No. I loved my tribe and felt that right off the bat we were obviously the strongest. However, I also realized that I was one of the weakest ones which put a target on my back since the first couple of weeks the game of Survivor deals a lot with the physical part of the game and not so much the mental. So yes the excitement died down really fast once I realized I was physically the weakest link even though mentally I was most definitely not (incredibly frustrating).


It was incredibly frustrating as a viewer watching you be blamed for Ace Gordon’s decision to have you hang on to the post in the Day 7 Reward Challenge, how frustrating was it for you?


Ace at that point in the game wanted me gone. He knew it was between Sugar and I so he had to do what he needed to do to make me look the weakest. It was obviously a smart move on his part even though any person with a brain would have realized that I didn't stand a chance going up against Randy and miss Olympic gold medalist 6"4 winner. It was a joke really and pretty embarrassing. I kept thinking how pathetic of a challenge this was for me and again very annoyed that I couldn't show my true mental strengths in a challange.


I’m going to try to be diplomatic here... Was what we saw of Ace on our screens a fair portrayal of what he was like in person?


Honestly, I didn't pay much attention to him on TV. I tuned out every time they showed his face haha. Since the game Ace and I have squashed our differences and I no longer harbor any resentment towards him. We are just really two COMPLETELY different people and under the circumstances did not get a long. What you see is what you get with Ace so I looking back, his portrayal was pretty accurate.


You came across as being really straight forward which I loved, can you give us your quick, honest opinion of the following people....


Sugar Kiper


An emotional wreck (at least on the show she was). She was very unstable during the game and was not in the right emotional state. Sugar was always nice to me and I've never had a personal bad experience with her in or out of the game. However, we have absolutely nothing in common so she's not someone I developed a close relationship with.


Bob Crowley


Bob is incredible. He is kind, I don't think he has a single mean bone in his body. He is creative and can build anything. He was like a father to me during the game and I will always love him! He holds a special place in my heart and always will. Charlie- Ohhhh Charlie. He is one of the most fun loving people you will ever meet. His joy for life is contagious and he is always smiling.


Charlie Herschel


Charlie is the type of person you want to put in your pocket and take everywhere with you. His energy is just so positive and he radiates happiness. Love love love him.


Corinne Kaplan


You either grow to hate or love Corinne. Corinne and I also have absolutely nothing in common (she probably hates all my kid's photos on fb and instagram hahaha). Regardless, I love her! Beneath the sarcasm and sometimes bitchiness, Corinne is the type of person you want on your side. She is loyal and extremely funny. I miss her!


Randy Bailey


I started off disliking Randy very much. He just seemed like such a grumpy man. He obviously destroyed me in the challenge and I didn't really care for his character. I was lucky enough to get to know Randy off camera and outside of the game and he is a very special person. He is kind (to those he likes) and he has a huge a heart. I'm glad I was able to get to know him outside of the game and build a relationship with him.


Although you were unfortunately the third person voted out, you played a hell of a game in that time-were you happy with your “edit” on the show?


I don't think a single person on a reality tv show is happy with their edit. Bottom line is tv networks are all about ratings and they will do what they have to do to get those ratings. It's amazing what they can do to your "character" on tv and it is more impressive how incredibly gullible and naive viewers are to think that what they see is the "real" deal.


Your final words at tribal council were epic, can you talk us through what happened once you left tribal council?


FOOOOODDDDD and a cold bottle of water happened! It was amazing. Brought tears to my eyes. You don't realize how good clean water tastes until you've been drinking lukewarm dirt water for the past 9 days. DISGUSTING! I was disappointed to get kicked off but so happy to be able to sleep on a bed and eat some delicious food and not feel like I was going to die any second of the day *LAUGHS*.


What was the reaction like from family, friends and the general public once the show had aired?


My parents hated watching the show. They didn't like seeing me so "sickly" and miserable. My friends were surprised that I didn't make it long. Most people felt that if I had been picked on the other tribe I would have made it all the way to the end. I do have a pretty solid head on my shoulders. *LAUGHS*


Have you kept in contact with anyone from your season, or any other Survivor seasons?


Yes, I have made some amazing life long friendships out of this show with people from my season and other seasons. Kelly from my season was a bridesmaid at my wedding. She is one of my closest friends. I have so many friends from other seasons that I have been able to meet through charity events and other functions. Too many to count or mention. We'd be here ALLL day!


Despite your busy life - would you ever be open to a potential return to ‘Survivor’?


Funny you ask, I recently had this conversation with my husband. I would totally do Survivor again. And this time I would win the million. Having a family completely changes who you are and what you will fight for. When I was competing for the million, it didn't mean anything to me. I would have spent 50g on a peanut butter/jelly sandwich!!! Now, I have EVERYTHING In the world to fight for. My world entire revolves around my husband and three boys. No one or anything could keep me away from the million dollar price to help secure a future for them and make their lives just a tad bit better.


Are there any other castaways that you would like to see receive a “second chance’?


Myself? I need to stop getting pregnant though for a minute or it will never be possible!


Thanks so much for your time Paloma, do you have any parting words for us?


Thank you for thinking I'm interesting enough to merit an interview. It was fun thinking back to those experiences. Survivor was an experience I will cherish forever! If it is your passion and goal to someday play the game, don't give up trying! In the meantime, travel the world and be kind to others!




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