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Yau-Man Chan-Survivor: Fiji/Micronesia

July 20 2015


We had a quick chat with Survivor: Fiji and Survivor: Micronesia  favorite Yau-Man Chan about how he was originally discovered, his thoughts on Surivor's future and his life after Survivor...


AFSS: Today I am speaking with Malaysian-American table tennis player, technology executive, and much-loved contestant from Survivor: Fiji and Survivor: Micronesia Yau-Man Chan. You retired from University of California, Berkeley in June 2013 could you tell me what you have been working on since then?


I've been doing some volunteer stuff with various organizations helping to promote interest in science and defending science aganst the encroaching wave of advancing ignorance especially in our school system. I'm also helping run many table tennis tournaments to help promote the sport. Also trying to keep old electronics from ending up in the dump by refurbishing many old printers and computers and giving them to clubs and schools and other non-profits which can use them. Starting last year, I got a part-time job at a camera store and got back into photography. Check out - we refurbish old, really old cameras and sell them on eBay.


You seemed to revolutionize the way Survivor was played by utilizing your skills in physics to complete tasks that physically stronger contestants would not be able to accomplish. Was that your plan heading in to the season?

No - I had not real plans but using my knowledge about how the real world works was my only reliable resource I had!


It is widely known that in order to gather a more culturally diverse group that the cast of Survivor: Fiji were mostly recruited to appear on the show. Can you tell me a little bit more about that process and how you were “discovered”?


The casting team went to to canvass for Asians - and some one decided to look at games popular among Asians, like table tennis and badminton. Since I am a USATT coach and umpire, my name and number was on the website and I was contacted. I later found out that a few other names on the USATT coaches list was contacted.


It appeared as though the audience at home were far more outraged by Dreamz reneging on his promise to give you immunity in exchange for the car than you were, did you hold any ill feelings towards Dreamz at the time?


No, not at all. After all it's a cut-throat game and I was outplayed.


You were also a member of the “Favorites” tribe on Survivor: Micronesia, can you tell me how your time in Micronesia differed from your time in Fiji?


Micronesia was a blur.


Which location did you think was physically tougher?


About the same.


The “fans” tribe responded very positively to you when they first saw that you were a member of the “favorites” tribe, how did that positive reception make you feel?


I don't remember - it was a miserable day - absolutely pouring rain storm and all we wanted was to get some shelter but we had to just stand there on the beach and get soaked.


Thus far you are the only representative from Survivor: Fiji to have made a second appearance on Survivor, are there any of your fellow cast-members that you would love to see receive a “second chance” opportunity to play Survivor?


I like to see Michelle on again.


Yourself and Earl made a very formidable duo, and appeared to hold a lot of respect for each other. Have you kept in contact with Earl since your time together in Fiji?


Yes. I hear from him every now and then and whenever I'm down in LA area, we try to see each other.


A lot of “old school” Survivor contestants that I have been talking to recently have said that modern day players/tribes receive far too much in the way of food and supplies, what are your thoughts on this?


Yes I agree but I think it's necessary. The show has changed to emphasize the social dynamics and interpersonal drama like all the other reality shows and less on the survival or even the gamesmanship aspect of the game. So a bunch of hungry people laying around doing nothing in order to preserve their energy do not make good TV. So, they have to be fed.



Now it's time for our "Quick Six":


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


I don't have any


What is your least favourite season of Survivor?


I don't have any


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


Richard Hatch - he mould the game that is still Survivor today


Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?


Can't think of any. They are all deserving - a win is a win.


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


The return of the boots in Pearl Island. Bad.


Yau-Man, as you leave us now can you let us know what the future holds for you? Has your Survivor journey ended?


Thank you for the opportunity. I'l just go on and enjoy the rest of my life and regard my experience as part of Survivor history with fond memories.








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