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AFSS's: One Minute Interview

Mitchell Olson-Survivor: The Australian Outback

July 28 2015


We are heading way back to Season 2, with Mitchell Olson, the first castaway ever to be eliminated via previous vote, taking our One Minute Interview...



01. What is your favorite season of Survivor ever?

"Obviously Season 2. It sounds biased, but the casting directors and producers had a huge hand in selecting that cast, and spent months securing each of us, and did a great job of it. Season 30 also had a great cast. "


02. What is your least favorite season of Survivor ever?

"Africa. Scenery sucked. Cast was great tho."


03. Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?

"It's hard to win that game without stabbing friends in the back...but Ethan and Tina seemed to find a way to do it gracefully. "


04. Who was the least deserving Survivor winner ever?

"Anybody who makes it to the last episode is deserving."


05. What is the worst twist in Survivor history?

"I wasn't a fan of Redemption Island. When you get voted off...that should be the end of it!"


06. Which player would you most like to see receive a “Second Chance”

"Mad Dog! Hands down!"


07. Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty: All Stars – which tribe would you be put on?

"Ha! Good question. I honestly don't fit any of those categories."


08. You’ve made it to final three, You’re sitting at the final tribal council, … which two contestants do you want sitting next to you?

"Jerri and Tina, because then I would be happy regardless who won. But if I wanted to win for sure...I'd choose (from my season) Kel and Varner."


09. Who was the most annoying castaway on your season, and what did they do to deserve that title?

"Nobody was annoying, thank God. But the award for creepy goes to Kel. We never knew what he was thinking or planning. He honestly frightened us...and since it's been 15 years, I feel I can say that we actually hid the knife and the ax when we went to sleep at night, cuz we feared he might use it on someone. (I don't think he knows that tho.)"


10. Moving forward, Survivor needs to… 

"...Stop putting previous contestants on the show. That's not convincing people to watch it. Just pick great casts. New casts."



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