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Billy Garcia - Survivor: Cook Islands

July 15 2015


Billy Garcia was a contestant on Survivor: Cook Islands, AFSS caught up with the heavy metal rocker about his time since finishing up on the Island, poor edits, and his thoughts on the current state of the show.


AFSS: Firstly, thank you Billy and welcome to AFSS - how has life been treating you since your days on the Cook Islands?


Billy Garcia: Great. My band has an album out and we're about to start work on new material for a second album. I own my own record label. I've been a main stay on the reality TV event circuit. There is so much that I've gained from my appearance on Survivor that It's irrelevant that I didn't win. Granted, the autograph convention circuit isn't what it used to be and I'm no longer endorsed by the company of that t shirt I made famous so I don't have those as income anymore but wow it was a great run.  A friend of mine, Jason Prager of Beauty and the Geek has said to me many times that losing on Survivor means more than winning other shows. I think I lived that mantra for years. Ha ha ha.

Haha that's fantastic, probably very true and a great attitude to have. Are you still a regular watcher of Survivor?


I never miss an episode. I've been a fan since Borneo. I have to admit though, I look at it differently. Now I've learned to separate the gameplay from the storytelling. They just have different purposes and the latter rarely does a Survivor justice. But both are fun, just in different ways.



You were a contestant on, arguably, one of the toughest physical seasons of Survivor, do you think that the modern Survivor players have it to easy?


Ha ha ha ha. Well if my tribe would have tried to play "Let's Make A Deal" with Jeff, He would have laughed us off the show and we would have shamed our race. I remember seeing Boston Rob get a bottle of water in Heroes Vs Villains and thought to myself, "There's no going back now. Everyone's gonna want water and food handed to them now." Sure enough, that's what's going on. Under these conditions, old school players, once considered weak, would be in the mix and a few could even win. The food and water give-a-ways are such a major game changer that it's slowly becoming outdoor Big Brother. I hope the producers scale back the generosity.



I'm completely with you with that one! With the recent twists added to survivor, and the rumored upcoming season 32 theme of ‘Brains, Brawn & Beauty’ – which of the three tribes would you cast yourself in, in an All Stars BvBvB format?


I'm better suited for Victims vs Road Kill...Ha ha ha ha. I don't think I'd be on the Beauty tribe so that leave Brains and Brawn. I think they'd play up the pro wrestling thing and put me on the brawn but honestly they need to come up with a Bad Behavior tribe for me and Fairplay. Ha ha ha ha.  Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty vs Belligerent.



Haha I think you should pitch that idea for a future season! Speaking of which - have you ever been contacted about returning to the show? I know that I personally would love to see you return and show us what you're capable of!


Thanks. I appreciate it. It's always nice when someone says they'd like to see me on Survivor again. I'm in rumors from time to time but it's never been anything more than that. I've joked around with the rumors but that was just me having fun. I think I was the focus of a lot of entertainment in the Cook Islands. It'd be nice if I could just play Survivor and not have to worry about putting on a show.



In the nerdy world that is Survivor fandom often dream alliances and casts are discussed, if you were to return, can you choose three other castaways that you would like to form a rock-solid four way alliance with?


That's a tough one. Cause it would greatly depend on who else is in the game. Some one I might want in my dream alliance might be tight with someone else in the game. But alright. Lets give it a go. Lets say I would most likely play on an all pre-merge season. So my dream alliance would be Bobdawg, Rita, & Cao Boi.

Both Rita and Cao Boi call me their brother a lot, Bobdawg and I have been drinking buddies many, many times. There are many others I would team up with but i think these three are no brainers.



Obviously the above question depends on a lot of variables, but I'm loving your answer. What about an easier question (perhaps) - if you were to return for a Blood Vs Water season who would you take along with you?


Blood vs Water? It'd be either my sister Laurin or my cousin Cisco. Laurin not only got me to watch Borneo when it first aired but also informed me of the open casting call where I got picked to play. So I owe her that spot. But if for some reason Survivor needs me to pick a dude instead then it would be Cisco who on paper is my cousin but we're more like siblings. My sister and I treat Cisco like a brother. So he would be the logical choice for me plus he loves Richard Hatch so I can totally see Cisco playing like him.


Recently we have heard a number of Survivor’s talk about receiving a “bad edit” how do you think the show represented you?


Ha ha ha ha ha......I'm not just a member of the bad edit club but I'm also the president. ha ha ha ha ha. Bad edit usually means that you were viewed as good entertainment by the producers. When I asked producers about my edit I was told "It's a TV show not a sport." So How did the show represent me? It didn't. It made me great television. If everyone was entertained by my time on Survivor then I delivered the goods. It takes time to figure that part of Survivor out so I'm never surprised to hear the complaints. It took me about a year or so. Ha!


In light of the new Survivor: Second Chance season airing in September, I’d like to ask you who (aside from yourself of course!) you believe is most deserving of a “Second Chance” at playing the game?


I'm gonna shock you of this answer by giving you my top three. None of whom where considered. Wanda Shirk, Michelle Yi, & Bruce Kanegai!


I'd like to end the interview with our “Quick Six”, six rapid fire questions that require only one word or one sentence responses.


What is your favourite season of Survivor?  


Survivor: Pearl Islands



What is your least favourite season of Survivor?


Survivor: South Pacific


Who was the most deserving Survivor Winner?


Chris Daugherty


Who was the least deserving Survivor Winner?


Sophie Clarke


What is the worst twist in Survivor history?


Haves and Have Nots. 


Finish this sentence. "Going forward, Survivor needs to..."


Go "old school" with the food and water.


Thank you so much for your time Billy, good luck with the second album and I'll be waiting eagerly to see you on a future Survivor Season!


Thank you for having me.



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