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AFSS's: One Minute Interview

Brooke Struck-Survivor: Guatemala

July 25 2015


The lovely Brooke Struck from 'Survivor: Guatemala' takes AFFS's

One Minute Interview...



01. What is your favorite season of Survivor ever?

"Survivor Palau (it was actually the first season I watched in full)"


02. What is your least favorite season of Survivor ever?

"Survivor San Juan Del Sur. I just don't remember anything about it and it hasn't been that long!"


03. Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?

"Sandra Diaz-Twine, and not just because we share the same birthday!"


04. Who was the least deserving Survivor winner ever?

"If you make it to the end of Survivor and can get the votes, you deserve to win. I can't think of one person that didn't earn it in some way."


05. What is the worst twist in Survivor history?

"Tribal swaps."


06. Which player would you most like to see receive a “Second Chance”

"Me (if I'm being honest)"


07. Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty: All Stars – which tribe would you be put on?



08. You’ve made it to final three, You’re sitting at the final tribal council, … which two contestants do you want sitting next to you?

"Judd Sergeant & Jamie Newton."


09. Who was the most annoying castaway on your season, and what did they do to deserve that title?

"Jamie Newton. He was trying to create drama for the cameras and that got obnoxious really fast.."


10. Moving forward, Survivor needs to… 

"Try a season of tribes divided by religion. That's no more taboo than race, which has already been done. I think it would get interesting really fast...."



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