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Diane ogden- Survivor: Africa

July 31 2015


Today AFFS are chatting to Survivor: Africa's "first boot" Diane Ogden


AFSS: I am joined today by ‘Survivor: Africa’ contestant Diane Ogden thanks for chatting with me today Diane.


Diane Ogden: Hey, thanks for having me!!!


Diane, it has been fourteen years since you, unfortunately, became the first person voted out of Survivor: Africa. Can you tell us what life has been like for you since that time?


Well, I retired from the Post Office after 30 years of service. I have 3 grandchildren now, a beautiful little boy and 2 gorgeous girls! I now have time to concentrate on my art and jewelry making.... And just enjoy life, it's awesome!!!


Now heading back to day one in Africa… if you were to go back, would you just have never taken the damn map?

Hahaha, the only reason I picked it up was because it was starting to blow away, and no one else picked it up. But, yes... I would have still picked it up, I like to know where I'm going!!


On Survivor: Africa we witnessed harsh conditions that we had never seen before (and possibly since) were you surprised with the physical toll the environment had on you?


Yes, I definitely was. We all were!!! It was amazing how fast I got dehydrated, that's for sure!! And no beach to cool off in, except for the elephant toilet... Ewwwwwww!!!


What might we have seen from you if you were to have stayed in the game longer?


Well, back then, when I was in better physical shape because I was a mail carrier... I think I could have helped in the challenges better, as long as we got water!! *laughs*


Are there any memorable moments that you can recall that didn’t make it on to our television screens?


*Laughs*... Well,  I did let Clarence cut some of my hair to try to get the fire started...


For those who don’t know, can you talk us through the process of what happens once your torch is “snuffed” and you are voted out of the show?


Well after Jeff snuffed it, I walked down a path, where I was met by people with water!! Then I was taken to a confessional to give my last words. After that, I was driven to a camp where I could shower and they had set up a table, with lots of food!! Meat and mashed potatoes and gravy and candy bars for dessert!! Then I had my own tent, with a real bed. It was Heaven, as I recall!! Then the next day, we travelled to 'the ranch' as I remember we called it back in those days...


Have you continued to watch Survivor since your time on the show, do you have any favorite seasons?


I have off and on. These past few years I've been more consistent. My season is my favorite, of course, *laughs*.


Have you kept in contact with anyone from the show?


There's a few.. Jeff Varner and I message with a few. Sandy Burgin, she's a hoot!!!



I would now love to do a little bit of Survivor: Africa, word association -  I will give you a castaway you give me the first word or sentence that comes to mind…








Funny and RAD *laughs*






Big Tom


Teddy Bear








Kind soul. 


Would you return to do another season of Survivor if asked? 


No. I wouldn't return. I love my life as it is now.


Thank you so much for your time Diane.


You betcha!!! Thanks for having me!!

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