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Ryan Opray- Survivor: Pearl Islands

July 18 2015


I caught up with Survivor: Pearl Islands' "Ryno" about post Survivor life, second chances and what Survivor should be...


AFSS: Today I have the absolute pleasure of chatting to Survivor: Pearl Islands castaway, and undoubted co-captain of the 'Morgan' tribe Ryan 'Ryno' Opray, thanks for chatting to me today Ryan.


Ryan Opray: For sure, thanks for having me!


You were on what, 12 years later, many people still consider to be, the greatest 

Survivor Season ever. What in your opinion was it that made Survivor: Pearl 

Islands such an iconic season?


I think first off the pirate theme was pretty cool. Then to send us off with the clothes on our back?? I was thinking, "there is no way I'm gonna compete in my board shorts for 39 days!!!!" We had so much thrown at us and such a great cast of characters.  Lynne and her casting department did a phenomenal job.  From top to bottom we played hard! It seemed every week a blindside would happen.

Now, whilst all of my Survivor-watching buddies were getting behind Rupert and the Drake tribe, I was rooting for Morgan all the way. Now we’ve all heard from Rupert, Fairplay and Sandra - but what about your Morgan tribemates do you still keep in regular contact with any of them?


Yes, I talk to Andrew, OT, T, And Darrah fairly often. Nicole once in a blue moon.


Obviously we will be seeing your Morgan tribes-mate Andrew Savage competing in Survivor: Cambodia, were you disappointed not to have been considered for this season?


I was pretty bummed I figured both Andrew and I would be on it together. My guess is they wanted us to have a shot maybe separately to win the million bucks. I hope they can and will allow me another shot.


Aside from your good self of course, as a fan, is there any other former Survivor castaways you would like to see receive a “Second Chance”?


I think Bobdawg, Shane Powers, Coby Archa, Max Dawson (I want to see him play this time) Brian Corridan, John Carrrol, Gabe Cade, Darrah, Gretchen, Cindy Hall, Mikayla, and some others... there are so many of us they can do quite a few fan vote seasons!


Now, I for one would love to see a return of “Ryno” on an upcoming Survivor season, how would you approach the game differently if you were to return now?


*Laughs* I would love to say, but that might ruin my game if anyone I might compete against if I tell you my strategy!


Having not re-watched Survivor: Pearl Islands until recently I had almost forgotten just how tough you guys had it on the island. The weather, the lack of food... How do you think modern day Survivor compares to seasons such as yours?


I just don't see it being as difficult anymore. I have yet to see season 31 or 32 yet. The brutality and Survival aspect is gone. I loved that part of the game. I hope it is back!


If you were on a starting tribe of 5 on a returnee season, which four castaways would you choose to compete alongside you?


Gonna have to plead the 5th on that one. I have some people in mind!


Finally, before we get to our "Quick Six", can you let us know a little bit about what you have been up to in the last twelve years?


I moved to LA and worked as a electrician for a bit then did production for a while. I was up until recently working with Dean Cain, one of the nicest dudes in the industry.


What is your favorite season of Survivor?




What is your least favourite season of Survivor?




Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


Chris Daugherty


Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?




What is the worst twist in Survivor History?




Fill the gap: Going forward Survivor needs to...


Go on forever and have me back ASAP!!!


We would like thank "Ryno" once again for his time, and make sure you check out Ryan's invention at

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