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Cristina Coria- Survivor: Cook Islands

July 30 2015


AFFS caught up with the Survivor Cook Islands contestant Cristina Coria...


AFSS: Welcome Cristina!


Cristina Coria: Hi.


What has life had in store for you since your time on Survivor?


Hi I'm now involved in raising money for different charities. At this moment I'm raising money for Give Kids the World Village. There is a charity event next week called Hearts of Reality in Florida. I'm also working on some other projects and a book. 

How did you come to be a part of Survivor Cook Islands? 


I was recruited for Survivor because they knew I was once shot and hit by a car and had a good story and because I was Hispanic which was what they were looking for that season.


How do you feel your career in law enforcement helped you in the game?


I don't think my career helped me because they used me being a cop to try and say I was bossy yet at finale Adam and Jenny apologized and said that wasn't the case and they just needed something to say to vote me off.


What was your initial reaction when you discovered that the tribes would be divided by ethnicity?


I wasn't sure what to expect when they decided to split tribes by ethnicity!


You seemed very reluctant to vote off Billy Garcia, can you talk us through that experience?


I liked Billy and I didn't want to vote him off but I also knew he was sick and throwing up . I really wish he wasn't sick because I wouldn't have voted him off then.


At one tribal council it was stated that your tribe found you "annoying" was that hard to sit back and hear from people that were essentially strangers?


I thought that was very hurtful and yes I didn't expect that. Adam and Jenny later apologized for that too. I have never heard that before and have always been told I get along with everyone. 


Would you ever consider a return to the show?


I would love to return to show and have been asked but I have injuries from the job that are bothering me now. I've had neck and non evasive back surgery but I might need another back surgery. 


What would you do differently if you did return?


If I returned I would probably play differently in looking for immunity idols and not saying too much.


Are you still in contact with any contestants from your season, or any other season?


Yes I'm still in contact with Billy and other Survivors from other seasons we all meet at the charity events 


What is coming up next for you?


I'm planning on writing a book and I do speaking engagements and am starting up my own charity.



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