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Dan Foley- Survivor: Worlds Apart

July 16 2015


We chatted to Survivor: Worlds Apart's resident postman Dan Foley about meeting and beating expectations, Survivor: Cambodia Second Chance and that sliding puzzle challenge. 


AFSS: I am joined today by Survivor Worlds Apart Contestant and everyone's favourite postman Dan Foley, welcome Dan and thanks for taking the time to talk to me.


Dan Foley: Thank you for having me 


First up, I've been speaking to a number of former contestants recently about "bad edits". Having read a number of articles recently it seems that some of your fellow castaways believe that what was shown of you on television wasn't necessarily indicative of the person that you are, what are you thoughts on this?


There's no doubt I've been very vocal about how disappointed I was with how my character was edited. It really makes my heart swell with happiness knowing that my fellow castaways have defended me. The season was filled with a lot of unnecessary negativity and I don't want to remember my Survivor experience like that. I know that there are a lot of questions surrounding it so I'd rather answer them first, get them over with and move on to some of the more positive things.

I understand Survivor is a show and it's all about ratings. They need to present whatever they think will get them the best ratings I'm a man who's not afraid to speak his mind and that, quite often, gets me into trouble.

I'm happy to move on from it now Dan, for what it's worth, and this is just one mans opinion, but I feel as though on the live reunion that you came accross as very genuine and humble. Moving on - Whilst watching you on the show it was obvious that you were a long-time Survivor fan. Can you recall any particular moment where you were thinking, "wow this is actually happening!"?


It's really funny because those exact words crossed my mind. It didn't cross my mind when I got my call from the final round of interviews; it didn't cross my mind when I got the call telling me I was on the show; it didn't even cross my mind when I flew to Nicaragua. The first time those words pass my mind was when I finally stood on the mat facing Jeff Probst with my tribe mates at my side. I still had to tell myself this was real for the first couple days when I woke up in the morning but once the hunger set in I didn't have to tell myself anymore.


Going in to the game you stated that you wished to "challenge (yourself) in the greatest psychological and sociological challenge ever" did the challenge meet your expectations?


I've been a landlord for 18 years and I have dealt with a myriad of different personalities. I have also worked at the post office for over 23 years and there are some very "interesting" people that I have to deal with on a daily basis. Survivor, in a lot of ways, was not much different. The stakes were certainly much higher but I felt like all the things that I had done in my life had prepared me for it. It was, by far one of the most difficult things I've ever done in my life and in spite of some of the negativity, one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.


Did you surprise yourself with how much you were able to endure physically?


I know that this is going to sound arrogant but no. I said it at the first swimming challenge, "The fat guy is going to surprise you". Although many people would argue with me, I am very self aware of my abilities both physically and mentally. I knew what challenges I wouldn't do well in and I knew what challenges I wouldn't do well in as soon as I saw them. The only challenge that will truly haunt me is the sliding puzzle challenge. I'm still pissed off with myself about that!


*Laughs* I can imagine it would be painful to rememebr! We can blame the producers for the seemingly never ending supply of puzzle challenges. As a super fan is there any past contestants that you tried, or intended to model your game upon?


Don't get me wrong, there's a lot spectacular players on both ends of the spectrum. However, I intended to play the game in such a way the Survivor fans would remember the name Dan Foley. For good or bad, I think I got my wish.


It seemed that a lot of the end of the Season 30 finale was overshadowed by the upcoming Survivor: Cambodia Second Chance season, were you disappointed that you weren't a candidate for this season?


According to Jeff Probst, I was considered fairly early on in the process. I've been a fan of Survivor since season 1, episode 1 but nothing is more important than my family. If going on Survivor would jeopardize my family or my employment then I would happily turn it down. Playing in back-to-back seasons would be taxing to say the least. It's nice to know I was considered even in the early stages but I'm not sure if I could have done it this soon.



Are there any past contestants, aside from yourself of course, that you would like to see receive a "second chance"?


I was very disappointed about both Shane and Troyzan. As a fan, I think both were incredibly interesting and made for an exciting season.


Shane was definitely a surprise omission!


I couldn't agree more. Even Max (Dawson) was shocked. He was sitting just behind Shane and to the side and you could see his reaction crystal clear. A big boo and thumbs down.


Hopefully it's not the last we see of him. Once again so close yet so far for Shane... I like to discuss hyperthetical dream alliances, if you were to return, can you choose three other castaways from seasons past that you would like to try to form a rock-solid four way alliance with?


Ooo, tough question... in one of my pre game interviews, I was asked for my dream final 3. I said I would like to sit between Coach and Russell Hantz because both have proven that they can play the game but they can't win the game. This 4th might be a little premature but I'd throw Kass in there as well. Her "people skills" are legendary.


That would definitely make for a memorable season, who knows we might get to see this one day! Are you still in contact with any of your Survivor worlds apart cast mates?


Absolutely! I still talk with Mike, Tyler, Sierra, Rodney, Will, Max, Nina and I was just talking with Joe yesterday. I wanted to fly out to Arizona to welcome him back but my work schedule wouldn't permit it.


It's nice to hear that the survivor community is as close-knit as it's rumoured to be. Before we get to our final questions could you please let your fans out there know what the near future holds for Dan Foley?


Once again, I don't mean this to sound arrogant but everybody knows I'm the kind of guy that speaks his mind. Survivor was something that I set out to do and I did it!  I knew who I was before I started the game and Survivor hasn't changed that. I'm still deeply and desperately in love with my wife, a devoted father to my step kids, a hard working guy and a very loyal friend. I never wanted to play Survivor because I wanted to be on television or sought fame. I just wanted to play a game that fascinated me. I'm the person that believes that life is a series of adventures and when there are no more adventures you've already got one foot in the grave. I've never hiked the presidential range in the state of New Hampshire. It's a 26 mile hike over 14 different summits. That's definitely on my bucket list. I have a small part in a movie that will be filming here in Maine in a couple weeks. I'll be a part of the rugby ball in Massachusetts on August 1st and I'll be attending Bob Crowley's Durham Warriors Project on August 28th. People still recognize me on the street from time to time which is very nice. The vast majority of people are very kind with nice things to say. For the most part, life has returned to normal for this postal worker.


That's great to hear Dan. I like to end these interviews with our “quick six”. Six questions that require only one word or one sentence responses….


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


Probably Heroes Vs Villains



What is your least favourite season of Survivor?


Probably One World


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?




Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?




What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


Survivor: Palau where two people made it to the beach but didn't get to play.


Fill the gap: Going forward Survivor needs to...


Stop recruiting people!


Thank you so much for your time Dan, and all the best for the future.


I can't thank you enough for reaching out to me.






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