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Robb Zbacnik - Survivor: Thailand

August 14, 2015


Another Fucking Survivor Site catch up with 'Survivor: Thailand' contestant Robb Zbacnik about what went wrong for Sook Jai, the "choking incident" and who he would like to see return to Survivor...


AFSS: Today I am joined by the very memorable Robb Zbacnik from ‘Survivor: Thailand’, thanks for chatting to me today Robb! 


Robb Zbacnik: Thanks for having me, homie! 


Firstly, can you let your fans out there know a little bit about what you’ve been up to since your time in Thailand?


For sure!  Since Thailand I've been living in LA and loving it... I have an American Staffordshire terrier female named Frankie that I am absolutely obsessed with... Over the past years since Survivor, I've worked in fashion, done commercial and voice over work, and contributed my personality to a terrible reality show (VH1's "Saddle Ranch"). I still bartend and I spend the majority of my time in winter snowboarding in big bear, and mammoth. I've been fortunate to be able to live a fantastic life and I'm very thankful for everything I have.


You were really portrayed on your time in Thailand as having a personal “journey” and “transformation”. Was that something that was purely exaggerated through editing, or did you really feel that this occurred?  

My experience in Thailand was nothing short of life changing... My journey both literally and spiritually was one that I believe helped make me who I am today. Although they didn't show it until my last episode, I constantly spoke to my tribe about how lucky we were to be there and to be doing what we were doing. It was truly a magical awakening for me. 


I spoke to Jed Hildebrand about his thoughts of why ‘Survivor: Thailand’ as a season is generally disliked, do  you have any thoughts as to why that might be?


I guess the pace of our season was pretty boring... There was definitely no shortage of great characters, but I remember watching it back then and feeling like it was kind of flat. People trash Brian (the winner) but he was definitely a really cool dude and someone that in my opinion played a really good game.  


Brian played a great game! One of my personal favorite winners! - When you originally saw the tribal division after the “school-yard” pick, how did you think Sook Jai would fair?


I thought as a tribe we would have done a lot better... Unfortunately we had Ken who bitched out of a bunch of challenges (faking a back injury) and he had everyone in our tribe convinced that they needed to eliminate the strong competitors (Jed, Stephanie and myself) first. I guess if we were already merged it would have been a good move, but our tribe went into the merge with no real strength and they picked off the remaining Sook Jai one by one... Preventing anyone from my tribe from even making it to the final 3. Kinda funny. 


I’m sure it’s brought up a lot, but the ‘Robb Vs. Clay’ incident was infamous, did you just get caught up in the moment? Can you talk us through what happened? 


Ughhhh... The choking incident. Without going into too much (boring) detail, I thought that I stepped all the way into the attack zone, I faced off with Clay and was gonna throw him into the water by his shoulders, well, my hands slipped up and I ended up holding him by the throat! The funny thing is, Clay was the funniest and realest dude ever post game, and someone I ended up being quite fond of!


Were you a fan of the show heading in? 


I'd be lying if I said that I loved it... I was familiar with it, but not a huge fan. 


Do you continue to watch the show today? If so, what are your thoughts on "Modern Day" Survivor Vs. "Old School" Survivor?


Sorry to say that I don't really pay that much attention to survivor anymore... From what I have seen though, the game has gotten a lot gnarlier and I would really love to play it now. 


Were you surprised with how much of an affect the weather and the elements had on your mind and body?


It was absolutely brutal... the humidity, heat and mosquitos, paired with the lack of any real food was crazy. I definitely look back sometimes and just laugh. For my entire time there, all 18 days, I just legitimately took it one day at a time... And there were days that I took it one hour at a time. It was really a test of my will for sure. 


For those who don’t know, what was the process once you were voted off?


Well, as you know, you get voted off, so you're done starving which is pretty cool... Haha. in my case I drank beer, ate peanut butter and couldn't wait for a good night's sleep. You basically get done with the game and then you go back to civilization... Kinda. 


Were there any particular moments either during the game or afterwards that you can recall that did not make it to air?


Ken and I had a really big argument in the woods and I called him out for lying to my face and being a snake... Some of it made it to air, but only because they scrambled to get a camera to catch the tail end of our argument. 


We have only seen ONE castaway from Thailand return to play again, have you ever been contacted about a potential return?


All of us have been contacted to some degree, last year I had to send them my current contact information and fill out some questions about whether or not I'd play the game again and why.  I feel like someday they'll ask me to play again. I'd be down for it too. 


Are there any other castaways that you would like to see return for another appearance?


I'd like to see Lex give it another go, only because he's such an incredible human being. I'd love to see what his strategy would be this time. I'd also love to see Alicia C play again, but only because I still have a huge crush on her and very fond memories of when I got to know her years ago. 


What are your thoughts of Brian Heidik as a winner?


I think Brian deserved it. He flat out played a great game... I think if I could have picked a winner, I would have picked Clay though. He's just such a good family man and such a hilarious dude. 


In 2010, you attended Survivor's 10-year anniversary party. Were there any memorable moments or stories that you could share from the party?


My best friend sticking his finger in Rob C's mouth while he was interviewing... It was hilarious. 


The Quick Six...

What is your favorite season of Survivor?




What is your least favourite season of Survivor?


Thailand *LAUGHS*


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?




Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?


That's a tough one... I don't wanna hate on anyone.



What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


I got nothing for that one. 


Going forward Survivor needs to...


... bring back some more people from past seasons and allow cast mates to fist fight each other. 


Thanks so much for your time Robb. Do you have any parting words for us?


Smile at strangers and ALWAYS say please, and thank you. Adopt, don't shop. My Instagram is: @unincorporated 










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