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Laura Boneham- Survivor: Blood Vs Water

July 20 2015


We chatted to Survivor: Blood Vs. Water castaway Laura Boneham about how Survivor has changed her life, her reaction to the "first impressions" vote, and being a "tough-ass woman"...


AFSS: Today I am joined by Survivor: Blood Vs Water contestant, and much loved wife of Rupert - Laura Boneham, thanks for joining me today Laura. Obviously Survivor has been a very large part of your families life - can you tell me what Survivor has meant to you?


Laura Boneham: We've been fans of the show from day one but Survivor has been a part of our family for 12 years now! Our lives haven't been the same since the day Rupert left for the Pearl Islands. We are so grateful for the multitude of experiences being on the show has created, from traveling the world meeting people, to Rupert winning All America's Tribal Council, to building our not-for-profit 'Rupert's Kids'. Personal growth for me has been the biggest by product. I could go on and on!


And what have you been up to since your time on the show?


Since my time on the show I have been longing to be back on an island  but it's back to work as a sports merchandiser, helping out with ‘Rupert's Kids’, and being a mom, and wife. I occasionally do appearances with Rupert.


Prior to being a contestant on Survivor: Blood Vs Water, can you recall any one piece of advice that Rupert gave you heading in to the show?


Advice from Rupert before the show was to wear shoes and never tell the person you are voting out that you are voting for them. Well, we all 

know how that went!


What was going through your head on day one when your new tribe were writing down your name during the “first impressions” vote?


A lot of thoughts were going through my head when the tribe voted me out first in Blood vs Water! I was shocked that we were voting already and extremely pissed off! They didn't show me cussing everyone out and telling them they just made a huge f***ing mistake voting out their toughest female! I think it showed when we repeatedly beat them in the next several challenges.


Did you know straight away that Rupert would take your place?


Everything happened so fast in those first few minutes of Blood Vs Water.  I think I was partially in shock by everything that was happening. When I looked into Rupert's eyes I knew he would take my place. He had played before and he knew it was my turn. It's still very touching and painful at the same time.


You appeared in the Loved One Challenges in Surivor: All Stars and Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains, do you think that helped prepare you for your experiences in Survivor: Blood Vs Water?


I am so grateful Rupert has made it far enough in the game for me to come to all the family visits. I even flew out for Pearl Islands but I was sent home after only one night because he was voted out of the game!  I think the experiences of being on location as a family member, seeing behind the scenes, and participating in challenges helps decrease anxiety about what to expect in Survivor but NOTHING can ever truly prepare you for the crazy twisted ups and downs the game of Survivor brings.


Forgive me if I’m assuming wrong, but it appears that the one aspect of the game that you and Rupert both struggled with is being dishonest, is that a fair assessment?


This question makes me laugh. Rupert and I have certainly told our share of lies. Something happens when you grow up, become a parent, and a role model for others. It's just a part of who I am and I am really not that good at lying.


Did you surprise yourself with how much you were able to endure physically?


I think I mostly surprised others showing how physically tough I was on Survivor. Being 46 years old I know I am one tough ass woman that can handle anything life throws my way.


Having been a fan of Survivor from day one- what are your views on ‘Old School’ Survivor compared to what the game is now?


We've watched Survivor from day one and the game has most definately evolved into something different. There are too many "twists" now that can affect the outcome, Jeff is more involved as a producer and a host, and the game is much easier on people physically. I would love Survivor to drop the idols, redemption island, and tribe switch-ups and go back to good ole' old school Survivor!


With the upcoming Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance, as a fan of the show are their any contestants that you would like to receive a second chance?


A contestant that I would like to have a second chance...that would be me!!!!


Now to our "Quick Six":


What is your favorite season of Survivor?


My favorite season of Survivor is Pearl Islands where it all began with Rupert stealing the shoes!


What is your least favourite season of Survivor?


My least favorite season of Survivor is Blood Vs. Water because it was nothing like I envisioned it to be. I signed up for Survivor to play with my husband! Pre-game alliances, being the first one voted out of my tribe, Rupert giving up his spot, losing at redemption and being the first one out of the game was not at all what I expected!  


Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever?


The most deserving winner of Survivor in my opinion is Denise Stapley. She kicked ass in challenges and had a fantastic social game as I know that being and older woman in a game with returning players can be a definite negative.


Who was the least deserving Survivor winner?


I don't like this question because anyone who wins Survivor deserves it but Tony Vlachos comes to mind. He did win a lot of challenges but there were just way too many immunity idols in this game!


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


In my opinion, the worst twist in Survivor history has to be bringing back the outcasts in Survivor Pearl Islands!


Finish this sentence: Going forward Survivor needs to...


Ask Rupert and I back for another chance to play the game together!


Thank you so much for your time Laura! 


Thanks for thinking of me! It was a pleasure. 


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