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Lindsey Cascaddan- Survivor: Worlds Apart

August 14, 2015


Another Fucking Survivor Site interview Survivor: Worlds Apart contestant Lindsey Cascaddan about post Survivor life, her addition process and her nick-name for Dan Foley...



AFSS: Today I am chatting with Survivor: Worlds Apart castaway and “Blue Collar” tribe member Lindsey Cascaddan thanks for joining us today Lindsey.


Lindsey Cascaddan Thanks for having me, Luke! 


It’s now been a year since your journey since your journey in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua began. Can you tell us how your life has changed, and what you have been up to since then?


I stated in my first out-of-game interview that I had learned the value of what I had waiting for me back at home. I did exactly what I said I was going to do and stopped playing games or taking unnecessary chances with people and opportunities that I found to be so much more than just games. Being forced to play a game with people that you wouldn’t necessarily hand pick as your players will teach you to appreciate the people in your life and the decisions that got you where you stand. When I got home, my boyfriend returned from his last deployment to Afghanistan and we got married. We are currently almost nine months pregnant so I’ve been just a LITTLE busy building a human since then! HA! I just got done filming a new reality show called, “Behind the Hair” so I’ll be on their first episode, I’ve done some writing, some slowing down, some breathing and some major growing. I’ve eliminated people and things from my life in a big way and I’ve constructed the space I found in doing that in to the happiest place  I have ever been. I’ve continued to run and build my business and also do some traveling! I’m buying a house right now! So yea, a little bit busy. A lot happy. 

Can you talk us through a little bit about how you came to be cast for Survivor Worlds Apart?


I was cast for Survivor in the weirdest of ways! it’s kind of a long story but basically: Before Survivor, I accepted any female on Facebook who friended me because normally they were referred to me for hair and makeup. I have clients from all over the states who come to Orlando for hair so it’s not abnormal for them to contact me via social media to network and get an appointment. I accepted a friend request from a woman and never thought about it again. Over a year later she was messaging me telling me that she had wanted her hair done and was going to fly in for an appointment but she never made it. Ironically enough, she was working in the casting department and has been getting my Facebook updates for the past year. She thought I should try out for the show multiple times and then when casting calls started happening for 30, a friend of hers tagged me in a post and she was like, “OK, I need to reach out to this girl.” She sent me an application and I filled it out. Made a video a week later after the casting department liked my application and a week later I was telling Jeff Probst face to face why I was the best pick for the show.



You stated before heading in to the show that your favorite sport was “dating”, has your time on the show helped or hindered this “sport” *laughs*?


I think that quote confused a lot of people *LAUGHS*! Dating is a sport because it’s spectated. By friends and family, by people dining next to you during your awkward first date, by society and social media. Are you doing it right? Is she the one? How long do you think it will last? Who will get their heart broken first? Everyone has something to say, right? Beyond that, people practice for this thing their whole lives. From girls learning how to do their hair and makeup and eat properly. How to cook. How to laugh the right way if something is dreadfully unfunny. Guys, admittedly, give less of a damn but still spend plenty time wondering if they will find someone who completes whatever fairytale future they’ve got planned up for themselves. They search and search for the perfect blowjob or a woman who is maternal or a girl that laughs the right way when his jokes are dreadfully unfunny. Then both people put out ONLY their best and most practiced qualities for however long it takes to “fall in love” and they live happily ever all while their fans and spectators make bets on who will cheat, who will leave or quietly envy what they have and try to replicate it’s qualities in their own little game. You catch my drift?? Anyways, the show would have given me the chance to date a lot more if i wanted it but as stated above, I’ve got bigger things than sports on my plate right now. I married my high school sweetheart and if you do it right, marriage both completely ruins dating for you while simultaneously being the longest and best date of your life. So I guess I’m winning. Or losing? It depends what critic you talk to.



You correctly predicted, at the start of the game, that your original tribe would produce the Sole Survivor, was that just “big talk” or did you genuinely believe that would be the case?


I genuinely believed that would be the case and think it would be the case even if Mike hadn’t won and the whole thing turned out different. The thing about Survivor is that you have to be a combination of stupid, gutsy, smart, crazy, hard working, manipulative and tough to even play. Every player h as those qualities- they wouldn’t even be there if they didn’t. There’s some who are too dumb to win, some who are too crazy, so on and so forth. You can’t be any of those things to an extreme out there or someone will sniff you out, hunt you down and take you out. Blue collars, more than any other collar, are a pretty good mix those things. They are savvy, they will always been a necessity to people whether it’s an Island or society. blue collars aren’t the smartest but they are far from dumb. We are a crazy, fun, work it out type of crowd. That personality type is always going to go far in this crazy game because of what you endure, the people you’re out there with and because of the simple nature of the show. You can’t out smart this thing. You can’t brute strength your way through it. A lot of people have asked me what it was like out there. What it’s like to play. And without any personal bias when it comes to my season or my cast or my experience, Survivor is like working the hardest, most grueling 9-5 job every day and then coming home with a smile and making the sweetest love you know how to, not sleeping and then doing it all over again. It’s hard work and no matter how much you enjoy it, love it or want to do it… it’s not fucking easy. It’s a struggle. You can’t fake that shit. 



Despite featuring on a season that saw it’s fair share of unpleasantness it appears that your cast has remained particularly close, are their any castaways in particular that you remain in contact with?


I love my cast. They are so fuckin crazy and despite having A LOT going on in my own life right now I have stayed close with a lot of them. Kelly, So, Sierra, Mike and Nina are probably who I talk to the most. I love me some Mama C.


How have you found the welcome from the rest of the ‘Survivor’ alumni fraternity?  


It’s strange, you know. I’m the worst Survivor and Survivor fan in the world. During the behind the scenes at the Season 30 finale we got to walk in to the green room next to us. No one told me shit, they just said, “sure! You can go in there! They’ve been wanting to say hey!” So I walk in and there’s a bunch of people there who all stand up and hug me and shake my hand and are like, “OMG Lindsey we loved you! You’re so crazy! You’re so funny!” Blah blah blah and I was just standing there thinking, “Holy shit, this is over whelming!” So I’m talking to them for a minute and then I say, “You guys got a pretty sweet gig getting to be back here! Did you win this or something? How did you get back here?” The room just went totally quiet and this one little, cute girl was like, “Ummm. What?? We are the Season 31 contestants.” I’m sure I should have faked like I was just joking but i couldn’t. I just laughed. i think I actually said, “No shit! That’s crazy! They’re doing that tonight?” So that’s kind of me in a nutshell. i’m so not hollywood. I honestly couldn’t pick out celebrities for any reason from any entertainment industry. I’ve just never cared about other peoples’ lives enough to remember what they look like I guess. Or to have an autograph. What the fuck do people do with autographs? Anyways, but yes!! The survivor alums are exactly what the fans sit at home and jerk off about! They love each other. They send packages and invite you to their grandmas house and send flowers when your dog dies and stuff. It’s a family for sure. 



You’ve got some pretty killer ink! Do you have a favorite piece, and if so could you tell us a little bit about it?


My favorite tattoo is my back. I always tell my husband that I wish it was somewhere I could see it every day but it’s too big so it had to be there. it’s a memoire for my grandparents. A really “Dali-esque” type of artwork that was done here in Florida. There’s a melting clock and a bunny sitting in a garden with a dandelion being blown around the whole picture. it’s just a reminder to feed each other. Don’t waste time. To remember. My grandparents are just these perfect creatures to me. They hate my tattoos, by the way, so that’s kind of funny. They have been married for 60 years and i genuinely believe it’s because they always fed each other’s dreams, their passions, their wildest and craziest ideas. He was the sun and she was his garden and together they could sustain life without any other person or thing but each other, really. They let the other person blow dandelions, make wishes, really fuckin life. That’s love. THAT is why I married the man that I married. We have a love like they do. 


Unfortunately you weren’t on our television screens for nearly as long as we would’ve liked – what might we have seen from you had you stayed around a bit longer?


Probably a lot of telling people how to do things. I’m so good at that. Realistically, i’m a hair stylist, a manager and a mom. I literally tell people what to do all day, every day. So the fact that that’s who I became without food is and was no real surprise to anyone who knows me. You definitely would have seen my more competitive side in challenges, especially individual challenges. I’ve never met anyone who likes winning like I do. 


You appeared as if you wanted to play the game of ‘Survivor’ with a  certain type of person, in an ideal situation if you were to have made it to the final three who would you have wanted sitting next to you?


This is such a hard question because if I were sitting in the final 3 with 2 other people, we all would have had to play differently which means I may not have still picked these people! But based on my season and how these people played, I would have wanted to sit next to Joe and Mama C because those two people are badass humans, badass players and they both love and watch Survivor like their lives depend on it. I would want to sweat it up there. There’s no fun in dragging dead weight to the end. If you eliminate shitty people, shitty players and then pick off the good grapes till you get to the best, that’s potent stuff. Winning, to me, is about beating the best people and that’s what I would want to do. 



You clashed with all three male members of your Blue Collar tribe – can you provide us with a couple of sentences  to sum up each of the following…




"If we collect firewood now then we won’t have to later, guys!" (Throws piece of wood at the top of an eight foot pile of wood as the sun just starts to peak over the edge of the beach and howler monkey’s still play their night time games above us).




"You don’t understand this because you’re a woman but I don’t know guys. I just don’t trust Mike. I need food. I’m so big, I’m just about to beast mode out this mother fucker. Have you seen Dan? I don’t trust Dan. i’m shaking! I need food. Fuck! I’m so swell right now". 



(crying in the shelter) "I miss Erin".


Worlds Apart saw an initial tribal division of three tribes – similar to ‘Cagayan’. Had this been a ‘Brains Vs. Brawn Vs. Beauty’ season which tribe would you place yourself on?


Probably brawn and I would probably be with the same girls I was on with blue collar. I’m a tough cookie.


Can you recall any one particularly memorable moment that occurred during your time on the island that we didn’t see on the show?


Made dinner for the whole tribe one night after spending, oh I don’t know, 4 hours or more collecting seafood from the Island/water. i made a huge stew with rice. It looked and smelled so good. It was starting togged dark outside and i put the hot pot next to the fire to cool off and sai, “Hey guys, no one walk over here. Dinner is cooling down in the pot right on this rock.” About two minutes later Dan came fumbling over for God only knows what reason and steps his entire dirt filled boot in to the pot. We couldn’t eat any of it. I was completely ruined. Too late to make more because of how dark it gets. It was awful. I just screamed, “God dammit Dan!!!” And cried. From then on out that’s what i called him. Good ole GDD.


Finally to our "Quick Six"...


What is your favorite season of Survivor?




What is your least favorite season of Survivor?




Who was the most deserving Survivor winner ever? 




Who was the least deserving Survivor winner? 


The guys that didn’t pay taxes but still face books about Surivior and how angry he is all the fuckin time


What is the worst twist in Survivor History? 


Hidden Immunities!!!! Fuck those things. 


Going forward Survivor needs to… 


...Not fix what’s not broken. The show rocks.


Thanks Lindsey!

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