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Jimmy Tarantino- Survivor: Nicaragua

July 22 2015


AFFS caught up with the only first time player ever to be voted IN to the game of Survivor, James "Jimmy T" Tarantino...


AFSS: Today I am chatting with fisherman, father, rowing legend and 'Survivor Nicaragua' contestant James "Jimmy T" Tarantino, thanks for joining me today Jimmy.


Jimmy T: My pleasure, thanks for having me!


It's been five years since your Survivor experience ended, what has life been like for "Jimmy T" since your time in Nicaragua?


You know it sounds "cliché" when you hear past Survivor contestants say we're part of the Survivor "family" but it really is true. Having been part of a shared experience you can appreciate what the others have had to endure, physically and mentally, as being part of America's biggest Reality show. Bob Crowley (winner: Gabon) has become one of my best friends, we get together several times throughout the year.

Jimmy, you became a castaway on Survivor after winning the popular vote at a special national casting call, conducted by Sears. Can you talk us through that process?


Sure. It was really a whirlwind experience. I submitted a one-minute video stating why I thought I would be a good Survivor contestant. There were thousands of entrants and the winner only won an interview with producers, no guarantees you'd get on the show. CBS selected 10 finalists, then America had 2 weeks to vote. I think casting set me up to win because mine was the first video you saw when you visited the site. Anyway, I wasn't taking any chances, I recruited friends and family to help me solicit votes, day and night for two weeks! I knew if I won the interview with the producers I could charm the pants of 'em! *laughs* The final night of the vote I invited my team out for drinks in gratitude for all their hard work. I got the call on my second rum drink, casting tell me which flight I needed to be on in the morning, it was very secretive, with instructions and an alias to use at the hotel and everything!


Now I know you hadn't necessarily seen a lot of Survivor until you thought about applying- have you continued to watch the show since?


Of course, like most past players, I'd love a "Second Chance" and felt a little passed-over when they made their choices for the coming season. After all, I was the ONLY contestant ever selected by the fans. Honestly I'm so very grateful to CBS for ever casting me in the first place. The experience gives you a tremendous appreciation for what is truly important in life. Survivor is just like life, the winning is in the playing, doesn't matter if you come in first. Having played taught me that. I wish I knew it then, I might have played longer! *laughs*


If you were to be given a "second chance" at Survivor are there any castaways that you would like to play with? And how would you approach the game differently?


When I say "the game changed me" again, sounds cliché, but in my case is very true. I've since begun practicing Buddhism and am WAY more excepting of others. Still got a LONG way to go but I like to think I improve everyday, so it wouldn't matter who I played with, I would try to appreciate anyone. You'd think I would say all the good friends I've made who were past players, but think how difficult it would be to have to vote them off!


Back to Nicaragua, can you recall your initial reaction when you first heard that the tribes would be split by age?


Frankly, I was a little disappointed. I have a youthful personality and I'm certainly not threatened physically by the younger tribe members so I think I may have been better served with a mixed group.


Over the years there's been a number of 40+ year old Survivor Castaways who have been incredibly strong and physically gifted. What I always found interesting was that of the entire "older" tribe there was only yourself and two or three others that I would consider to be "strong". Do you think that was deliberate on the producers part?


Actually, 4 out of 5 of the Espada Tribe men were strong. Jimmy Johnson, though the edit made it look like he was physically challenged, ran wind sprints up hill with me every morning at Ponderosa and is in very good shape for an older gentleman.


Can you tell us about any other experiences in Nicaragua that we didn't see on television?


Sure, Jane got stung by a scorpion on Day Two but didn't tell anyone of the numbness she was experiencing for fear of being removed from the game! She recovered in two days.


Tyrone refused to come out of the Beanbag Challenge when Jimmy Johnson called him out. The Challenge went on FOREVER, as evidenced if you rewatch the Season you can see 100 beanbags on the ground around the barrels!


Now it would be fair to say that you clashed with a few of your fellow Espada tribe-mates, what do you think the main reason for that was?


It's completely on me, the fact that I clashed with tribe-mates. I worked myself to a frazzle and had no patience for Marty's conniving. He was just playing the game, but I saw how disingenuous he was and got defensive. My bad.


Now obviously you left the island earlier than you would've liked, what might we have seen from you had you stayed longer?


You never really got to see me perform in Challenges. When Tyrone finally DID come out of the beanbag challenge I had immediate success when put in, by then it was too late, Benry won the challenge with the next toss. I like to think I would have had some success in physical challenges but Marty was pulling the strings in the Espada Tribe and wisely kept me out of key roles.


In a very positive way, I must admit that speaking to you now you are coming across very differently to how you were portrayed on our screens. Do you think your "edit" was an accurate portrayal of yourself?


Listen, I take full responsibility for giving them the material they needed to edit me the way they did. I should have chilled and I didn't. That said, it would have been nice if they showed me building most of the shelter, which I did, providing much of the food, which I did. It would have been nice to show that my attempts to keep morale up by singing was appreciated by most or if they showed the several successful throws of the fishnet, but as I was told, "Sorry, we have to edit to justify the vote."


What was the reaction from the public like when you returned home?


By far the toughest part of the whole process is having to watch yourself fail miserably on National TV. Of course, most friends and family know me well and were supportive. Unfortunately there are those "friends" who seemed to take great pleasure in my demise. Usually guys I've regularly defeated in rowing races or folks who aren't comfortable in their own skins. It was one of the great learning lessons of playing.


From these many lessons that you have learned, If you were able to give a first time castaway one piece of advice prior to them appearing on Survivor, what would it be?


Survivor is just like life: Cherish every moment you're playing, if you're enjoying the game, you win! Success isn't measured by what you have, it's who you've become in the process.


Now just before we move on from Survivor Nicaragua, I would love to do a little bit of Survivor name association with you now, for a bit of fun, I'll give you a name, you give me the first word that comes to your mind... Ready?




Marty Piombo




Jane Bright




Jimmy Johnson




Naonka Mixon


Genuine! Like her or not she's who she is!


Fabio Birza




Jeff Probst


Smart and dedicated


Who will you be rooting for in the upcoming Survivor: Cambodia - 'Second Chance'?


Shirin, I love that she's vulnerable AND tough. When she slowly raised her hand to deny Will his loved one letter was one of the greatest moments in Survivor history!


Now, finally, before we get to our “Quick Six”.  Can you tell us what is next for "Jimmy T"?


I am trying to break my own record in the Blackburn Challenge, a 22-mile open-water rowing race on Saturday. On Aug. 1st I'll be appearing at 'Rodney Bowl'. Keeping busy and enjoying the game! *laughs*.


What is your favorite Season of Survivor?


My favorite Season is always the current one, while the Castaways are always fresh in my head. Gabon with Bob was amazing.


What is your least Favourite Season of Survivor?


My least favorite Season was my own, for obvious reasons.


Who was the most Deserving Survivor Winner ever?


The most deserving I've seen was when Boston Rob took two other castaways to the Final 3, whose message to the jury was how loyal they were to Boston Rob! 


Who was the Least Deserving Survivor Winner?


Can't name a least deserving winner, haven't seen them all.


What is the worst twist in Survivor History?


The worst twist was when production made the "Russell Rule", no longer making Immunity Idols easy to find: guess who found the next clue! It was a ridiculous puzzle!!!


Finish this sentence: Going forward Survivor needs to...


...Just keep on keeping on, making dreams come true!


Jimmy it has been an absolute pleasure, thank you for taking the time to chat with me today and I will be looking out for you on a future second chance season!


Thank you, for the opportunity to share. Fingers crossed! 



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